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2 weeks later


"Jordan hurry up I swear you take forever."

I adjusted my Rolex and sighed. Today me and Jordan were heading out to the mall.

"Jordan!" I said calling her once again.

"Tray I'm coming hold on damn! "

After about 10 minutes she came downstairs. My baby looked good. Now if only I could get her to look good in less time.


I was standing in the Nike store line with Jordan to buy our shoes when this loud whistle got my attention. I looked over to see a guy in a black hoodie and shades waving for my attention. I handed Jordan a couple hundred and walked over to him.

"Yo wassup Nick? " I said leaning against the wall outside the store.

"Aye we found that nigga Santo boss. " He said stuffing his hands in his pocket.

"Well nigga where is he? " I said jumping off the wall.

"That's the thing. See we don't exactly have him yet. " He said looking down.

"Fuck you mean you don't have his ass yet?! I told you not to come to me until you found the nigga! " I said mugging him.

"I tried to get him b-" I pushed his ass

"Yo shut the fuck up before you really make me mad. You better be lucky we in this damn mall. Find that nigga before my bullet finds you. " With that Jordan can out the store and started to look for me. Nick sighed and pulled up his hood before walking out the mall.

I made it over to Jordan as she was texting away on her phone.

"Hey baby. Where did you go I was just looking for you? " She said walking with her arm around my waist.

"Oh it was just some fans wanted a picture that's it. " I said checking the time.

"You ready to go baby? "

"Yeah actually Lyric needs me to babysit. She's going on a date with some nigga again. " She said rolling her eyes. I chuckled holding her hand.



I'm sitting downstairs waiting on Lyric to get here when Gilly comes running down the stairs.

"Which one? " He asks referring to two blue and black shirts.

"Blue. It's our favorite color duh. " I said flipping through channels.

He shakes his head and runs back up the stairs. Not even five minutes later he's back downstairs asking me about something else.

"Okay what about my hair? "

"Nigga what about it. " I said annoyed.

"Come on Jordan how does it look! "

"Familiar! Gilly what's up with you. Why all the concern about how you look? " I said walking up to him.

"I'm going on a date okay? " He said rolling his eyes.

" Your finally moving on from Maria?! Awesomeeeeee! Do we know her? Is she cute? " He cut me off

"Look man I don't have time for 20 questions. Just tell me how I look so I can go. " The doorbell rang meaning Lyric was here.

Gilly ran back upstairs as I answered the door.

"Hey song bird. " I said picking up Melody. She giggled grabbing face and kissing my nose.

"Damn forget you too then. " Lyric said closing the door. I smacked my lips.

"Nigga you grown you'll be okay. " I said bouncing Melly on my lap. "So tell me big sister, who you going out with tonight. "

"Girl my business. " She said tossing her hair over her shoulder. This wanna be Barbie ass mf. I stale faced her but dropped the conversation. Just as she was about to leave Gilly came downstairs.

"Oh hey. Wassup Lyric. What you doing here dropping off my baby? " He said taking melody from me to kiss her.

"Yeah I got a date tonight. " She said smirking.

Gilly nodded. "Oh for real? Me too. "

I laughed under my breath.

"Okay well y'all are gonna be late for y'all dates so get out. " I said laughing.

They both gave me a look before exiting my house.

I sat Melly on my lap.

"Your parents must think I'm slow or something." I said turning on Spongebob for her before going to make us something to eat.


I kicked him again only harder in the chest.

"I can't believe you really thought you was gone play me and baby and think I wasn't gone come for yo ass." I punched him in the head twice.

"She could have fucking died. You took our fucking baby! You took my son from me. " I said holding back tears while stomping his head. This nigga deserves every single bruise, ache and pain I'mma give his ass cause it's nothing compared to the pain of losing a child.

"Yo Tray don't kill him! " King said pulling me off him. I freed myself kicking him In the face once more. I don't give a damn.

I got down to his level.

"Santo I told yo ass I was gone catch you. You can run all you want but I will always find yo ass. I know you set me up."

He groaned before trying to speak.

"I d-didn't know sh-he was in the c-car. I wouldn't do that to her. " He said spitting blood.

I nodded my head before getting up again.

"If you ever come near us again I will whoop yo ass again. That goes for you and all the bum ass niggas that associate themselves with yo ass too. You call yourself a gang leader. Man get this clown ass nigga out of here and do it quickly. " I rub my temples trying to calm down. My phone vibrates and Jordan is calling me.

"Yeah baby what's up? " I said sighing.

"Hey are you okay you sound stressed out? " I could hear the worry in her voice.

"I'm straight I'm about to get something to eat you hungry? " I asked trying to change the subject.

"That's actually why I called. I cooked so you can come home but can you get some juice for Melody on the way? "

"Yeah baby I got it. I'll be there in 30 minutes." I said goodbye before hanging up.

King and Corey came back into my office taking off gloves and such.

"I'm about to leave out make sure y'all let everybody in this trap know what went down and make sure they understand I won't hesitate to do they ass the same. " I said before walking out to get my baby some juice.

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