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Today is the day I'm finally going home to visit my sister. I used to live with Jordan before I decided to move out with my daughter Melody. I haven't seen Jordan since the last time I visited her in the hospital so I hope she's glad to see me and Melly.

"Come on babygirl" I said grabbing Melly out of her car seat in the back. I put her on my hip as I walked up the pathway to Jordan's home. I rang the door bell three times before a sleepy Chris answered it. He didn't have a shirt on and his hair was all over the place. The things I would do to- nope nope nope that's how Melly got here.

"Oh hey Lyric. How's my baby?  " He asked taking Melody from me as he closed the door behind us.

"She's fine I thought I would bring her by to see you and Jordan. " I said sitting on the couch. Chris sat next to me,

"Well her and Tray are still sleep. They got home at like 5am so I doubt they will be up any time soon."

It was already 1 o'clock and from the sounds of it Chris was the only one awake.

"Well okay I guess I'll just come back later then. " I said standing and reaching for Melody.

"Why don't we go to the mall? "

"The mall?  For what Chris?" I said slightly annoyed. He always wants to go somewhere.

"Yeah we can just kill time there and I can even get something for my babies" He said kissing Melody face making her laugh. I smiled at Chris and for a second almost forgot who he was.

"Your baby. Whatever we can go. " I corrected. I took Melly and Chris headed upstairs to get changed.


Damn she kinda hurt my feelings. Me and Lyric were best friends awhile ago. One day she ended up confessing her feelings to me saying that she wanted to be more than friends. I'm not gonna lie and say I didn't have feelings for her so we talked more and talking led to kissing and kissing to sexing and then she got pregnant with my daughter, Melody. While Lyric was pregnant with Mel is around the same time I met Maria.

We started out as friends too but after awhile I developed feelings for Maria and Lyric said I had to chose between her and my baby or "Stick Figure Ass Maria"  Of course I couldn't chose so she did it for me. She let me stay around while she was pregnant and up until she had the baby. After that we started Co-Parenting. At first it was really hard because of my schedule and her getting ready to graduate from College but we figured it out and were actually able to come to a okay friend ship again. As for Maria she can't stand Lyric and I'm sure she feels the same way.

I opened up my room door to see Maria sitting in our bed typing something on her laptop. I kissed her head and started finding clothes for the day. I hopped in and out the shower really quick and got dressed.

"Um..  Chris where are you going?" She said taking her glasses off.

"Out with Lyric and Melody. " I said nonchalantly.

"So you weren't gonna say anything? "

"No because I knew you would start acting up. "

"Why do you always feel the need to go out with her?!  I'm your girlfriend not her."

"Okay first of all chill out with that crying shit. Second she is my baby mama and she's gonna be around if you like it or not. Third were going to the mall for Melody that's it. " I said rolling my eyes. She knows talking about her and Lyric pisses me off.

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