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Chris spoke up after I explained everything,

"Wait so she's with August now? " He said bouncing Melody on his lap.

"Dude thats the thing. I'm not sure she even wants to be there. When he showed up its like a switch went off and her whole persona changed. " I said ploping down next to him on the couch.

"So what you wanna do? " King asked.

"We need to get her back. I just don't know how!" I yelled.

"Alright calm down. Na you know we gone get her back we just gotta figure out a smart way to do it. " Corey said gaining nods of approval from the guys.

"Ight man. I just have to get her back. I have to. " I sighed.


I know what you must be thinking, why would you be with the man that had your baby killed, trays mortal enemy? Well I didn't ask to be here. The day I left Tray was the biggest mistake of my life. I left Tray and the others in the house and ended up staying in a hotel for three weeks before August caught me.


"First just I wanna apologize for getting you hurt in that hit on Tray. I promise you weren't the intended target but he should have know better and protected you." He said placing his arm around my shoulder.

"But now I need you to do something for me." I heard the sound of a gun clicking behind my head as fear quaked through my body. One of August's goons had a gun to my head.

"No not yet. I'm sure it won't take all that." He spoke up waving the gunman down.

"I want you to come stay with me. It wouldn't be right if I just left you here in this hotel by yourself." He said to me.

"No thanks I'm good." I said trying to walk around him but I was stopped by a huge body in front of me. I would never in a million years even think of disrespecting Tray or any of my brothers by doing some foul shit like that.

"Ah but you didn't let me finish. You see if you don't come with me Tray is going to die. You wouldn't want that now would you?" He said with a sickening smirk.

I thought to myself about all that I had been through with Tray. As much as I wanted to hate him for what happened with our son I just couldn't.

"Your saying if I go with you he will be safe?" I said looking back to him.

"Of course baby. I won't lay a hand on him."



That was a lie. He knew I would give anything to keep Tray safe. He used me to get to Tray. Now I'm stuck here dealing with his shit every day. I wish I never left. I'm so sorry Tray. Please take me home.

I was sitting on the couch when August came busting into the room with another girl. She looked much younger than me. Maybe 16? She looked terrified and lost. I stood up analyzing them both.

"Who is this August?"

"This is Faith. She's your responsibly now." He said throwing her to my feet.

"What the fuck you mean? Why is she here?" I said loudly.

"First of all lower your damn voice in my house. Her people owe me some money and they won't be getting theirs " He pointed at her

"Until I get mine. Simple. Now all you gotta do is keep her alive. Cool?" He said smiling and leaving out the door.

I squatted down beside her and held her faces. She was bloody and beaten badly. She started talking fast saying she had no idea where she was or what he was talking about and my heart broke for her.

"Look I'm not going to let him do anything to you okay? I'm going to take you upstairs to my room. I'll clean up your cuts so you can take a shower and I'll find you something to sleep you. You look like you could use the rest. I promise you Nothing will happen to you while I'm around. Okay?" She started to cry to I just held her in my arms to sooth her.

I helped her up the stairs sitting her on the edge of the tube while I looked for a first aid kit. When I returned she was up looking at herself in the mirror. She touched where her eye was swollen shut and she started to cry again.

"Hey look at me. It's alright I'm going to take care of you baby." I said hugging her tightly. She winced and held her side. I looked at her once more before lifting her shirt to see she had been cut across her stomach. I swear when I find out exactly who did this to her it's over.

After a while her cuts were all cleaned and bandaged. I gave her one of my shorts and shirt to sleep in. Once she was fast asleep in my bed I headed back downstairs and awaited for August's return.


Lyric ran up to me quickly slapping me across the face.

"You got my sister taken from me! You should have protected her. She trusted you and now this nigga has her. What the fuck were you thinking!" She screamed at me with tears running down her face. Melody ran up to her grabbing her legs.

"Mommy don't hit Uncle Bills. Don't cry things will be okay." Lyric picked her up allowing melody to wipe her tears away. She gave her a faint smile before turning her attention back to me.

"You better find her and for your sake you better pray to god she's in a better condition then when she left." She said before storming off up the stairs with Nique and Chris following behind her.

"Find her Tray. Bring her back home to us."  Carmen said picking up baby CJ and heading up stairs.

"Fuck". I sighed rubbing my hands over my head.

"Yo Lets Go!" I called out to the guys before heading out the door.

Not Edited.

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