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Tray POV

" Look babe. Alright so let me say this first. I NEVER cheated on you. I could never do that to you okay? The girl who you heard me on the phone with that night? She is the ex girlfriend of a gang leader who I need info on. I talk to her so late because that's the only time she will answer the phone Jay. I wouldn't even be talking to her if I didn't need this information. "  She stared at me in disbelief. I have never lied to her so she should believe me.

" Why do you need info on anybody Tray?" She said holding my hand

" Because he is the reason we lost junior. The car accident we were in, he set it up. It was supposed to be a hit to take me out. Claims he didn't know you were in the car but he should have known better."

"Who Tray?! Who?!" She yelled at me. I swallowed hard before answering her.

"August. Jelly ass stupid ass August. He took my child from me!" I said throwing the tray on hospital food against the floor. Jordan jumped but watched me closely. I feel my breathing increase but I calm myself down. 

"He is the reason you are in this bed right now Jay. He had one of his goons try and take you out. I caught him and beat his ass last week but i guess he thinks he wanna get even. Don't worry baby I promise i will not let anything happen to you." She just looked at me.

" So you mean I lost my baby all because of a FUCKING GANG ISSUE TRAY?! ARE  YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?! I didn't even get to hold him." She yelled at me.

" I just wanted to make sure we had enough money for the baby Jay. That's all i was there for. I didn't know i was going to become the leader and i didn't know it would go this far. I promise after i get his ass I am done with this life okay?" She didn't say anything but shook her head slowly.  

Dr. Davis came into the room with Jordan's discharge papers. 

" I would be careful Mrs. Young. With every thing that has happened to your body this year-" 

" Yeah I got it doc thanks." She said cutting him off before storming out the room. 

The car ride home was tense. Jay never said anything to me but her silence spoke a thousand words. We pulled up outside the house and i stopped the car. 

"We need to get a divorce Tray." I swear I heard my heart shatter in a million pieces. 

Merry Santa Day Loves!!!

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