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After Tray explained the plan he had to leave. Me and Faith are going to be good. I know she isn't my blood but I'm going to make sure she has everything she needs in this world. I return to her in footlocker to see her talking to some boy working behind the counter. She was giggling and holding his hand.

"Um Faith. We need to get going. We still have other places to shop".
I say approaching them. I notice his name tag says Shawn.

She says goodbye to him and I follow her out the store but now before checking Shawn out a bit. Can never be too sure with these niggas.

After a few hours we left the store and pulled up beside the house. Faith attempted to get out the car but I stopped her.

"Listen to me. When we go in don't bother taking your stuff out the bags. I need you to go up to your room and wait there until I come get you. Okay?" I said looking into her eyes I could tell she was scared.

"We are gonna get hurt aren't we? " she says to me. I grab her hand in mine before speaking.

"I promise to you on my sons grave nothing is going to happen to you ever again as long as I'm around."

"Now I need you to promise me you are going to stay in your room until I come get you." She shook her head yes before heading into the house.

After a few minutes I followed her in the house and sat down to wait. Tray should be here any minute.


I watched as Jordan followed the young girl into the house. There is something about her that makes her seem so familiar it's crazy. After I left the mall I quickly called up Chris and King. They immediately met me at Jordan's house and now we were all just waiting for the signal.

" I'm not gone kill him. He took my world from me yes and almost cost the love of my life hers. But dispite how much I believe he deserves to die for what he did, I see now doing that will make me no more of a man than he is. Getting her back should be all that matters." King rested his hand on my shoulder as Chris spoke up.

"We are proud of you man. For real."

I nodded and continued watching the house. About 5 minutes later I saw Jordan reflect sunlight off her phone and into the window of the car. Go time.


After I gave the signal to Tray I gathered me and faiths things by the front door. I heard the knock so I ran to let Tray in.

"Well where you heading off to with all these bags?" Santo asked stepping into the house. Fuck.

"I really hope you don't think you were going anywhere." He said pushing me back into a wall. Just then Tray , Chris and King walked in. They weren't strapped which surprised me. I ran over to Tray wrapping my hand in his tightly.

" Faith come down now. Hurry up."

Eventually she came and ran out the door King following behind me.

"Well. About time you came! You have no idea how long I been waiting for this moment. I'm really about to murk yo ass. I just didn't think I would have to have the girl to do it." My head snapped up at him.

"She's my wife what did you expect" Tray said to him.

"Not her dumb ass. That girl," he said pointing towards the door.

"What are you talking about? I don't even know that girl." Tray said.

"Man how could you be married to his ass. Are you really that slow? You don't recognize her at all?"

"That's your sister. I found her not too long ago and I knew once you figured it out you'd come for her. But your not the one that wants to save her are you?" Santo said looking at me.

"Nigga you always trying to get in somebody head. Look we leaving and I dare you to try something. I'm sparing your ass right now." Just then Chris pulled out a gun pointing it directly at Santo making his hands fly up. Pussy ass nigga.

"But you see that nigga back there wants to take you out right now. So"

Tray said releasing my hand and walking up to Santo.

" Good luck." He smiled slapping his face and laughing  before walking back to me and leading me out leaving Chris behind.

Just as we made it to the car I heard Three shots ring out. It's over. I never have to see that bitch ass nigga ever again. Now I can get back to my life and my family.

A few minutes later Chris walked out and jumped in the car but not before hugging me tightly.

"I'm so glad your okay sis." He said kissing my forehead.

King grabbed my shoulder nodding his head in agreement.

We all jumped in the car and I let my head rest on Tray's shoulder. I missed him and I'm glad I'm back where I belong.

I wanted badly to make this a bomb chapter but I just couldn't find the words. I been holding on to this chapter for entirely too long. So here it is. One more chapter and then this book is over. Love y'all thanks for reading💕

Excuse all Errors and Typos.

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