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It's been about eight months since I last heard from Jay.


"I want a divorce Tray. I can't be with you knowing how you get down. " She said leaning back in her seat.

"You can't leave me. I know what I'm doing isn't ideal but I'm doing it for us. For you. " I said reaching for her hand. She snatched away sighing.

"Your the reason I can't be a mother. I never even got to see him smile. Hold him even. It's all your fault. " She said getting out the car letting the door slam behind her.

End of flashback

She left and never came back. We are technically still married. Just separated. 

Carmen, Corey, Nique and King have all moved out. Chris still lives with me but he is always at Lyrics house ever since they decided to get serious again. I'm happy for him.

I decide to go shopping since staying in this big ass house by myself isn't going to do anything but drive me crazy.

I pull up to the grocery store and hop out. I walk in the cereal isle and see a short girl with long hair. She was trying to reach something on the top shelf.

"Lemme help you with that. " I say grabbing the box off the shelf handing it to her.

"Thank you. I was never going to reach i-" Jordan stared back into my eyes.

"Hey." I couldn't even speak. She looked so good. Skin was glowing, hair was all down her back. She looked better than ever.

"Tray. What are you doing here. " She asked looking nervous.

"I came to get some stuff for the house.  How are you? " She opened her mouth to speak but a voice behind me cut her off.

"Well look who it is. " It was August the last person I expected to see. I quickly raised my gun yo his chest getting a chuckle out of him.

"Now what you think your gonna do with that." He said smiling.

"Tray please put the gun down. We are in public people are starting to stare." Jordan said.

"Why should I?  Do you know who this is."

"August. I know. Please put it down. "

"WHY?!  HE TOOK EVERYTHING FROM US! OUR SON!  Everything! " I said holding back tears.

"Baby tell your little husband to put down his toy gun before I act up in this store. " He said to Jordan who inhaled deeply.

"Yo what?  Why the fuck you calling her that." I said staring him down.

"Tray please just let him go." Jordan said standing now in front of my gun in his place.

"Jordan why don't you tell him out not even a month after you left him you came straight to me. Tell him about that little bundle of joy you have on the way? " I glanced down at her stomach. She did look a little bigger in her stomach area.

I looked back at Jordan who was now a crying mess. I took my gun off safety hearing the gasps from onlookers.

"Do it.  You don't have it in you do you little Tray? Pull the trigger. She left you. She don't want you anyways. " August said watching on the side.

The gun shook violently in my hand. I don't know what to do. I shook my head lowering it and walking away from Jordan and the crowd.

I quickly exited the store getting in my car speeding away. That back there wasn't Jordan. Something had to happen to her. I'm going to get her back. It's just a matter of when and how. I pull out my phone calling up King, Corey and Chris letting them know everything that just happened and instructed them to meet at the JQCG House.

Happy New Year!  Ignore the errors!

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