NAU Short Story

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Something very hard to deal with has happened in my life this past weekend and has really made me want to write.  While this isn't a update I will be writing more to Making Love and will update it soon. You don't really need to read this part I just need to get some stuff out of my system.

The creaking of rocking chair they both sat in was no match for the sound of my heart shattering in a thousand pieces. At first I tried to over look it thibking,  "no they wouldn't,  they couldn't do this to me. " I honestly don't know who I was more hurt by,  him or her. Probably him. He meant a lot to me despite our rocky relationship. I always teased him asking why do you take me for a joke. Who knew how much truth was behind those words. I asked him what was going on between the two of them and he lied to my face. Then acted as if everything was okay. And for a time I believed him. Then there's that feeling. The feeling you get deep in your stomach when you know something is wrong and there is just no way around it. But I chose to ignore it along with all the Warings from loved ones. He didn't want me but didn't want anyone else to have me. He wanted me for a status that I didn't even know I had. You never know what kind of impact your going to have in people's life. "He wants to be with me but wants to keep you around to say that he has you. " Those words hurt me to my core. It's so hard to hate him or anybody for that matter but how is one supposed to feel. I want to miss him...  I do miss him....  I'm not even close to over him... Even though I should be. Bittersweet By Fantasia describes everything I'm going through.  Even though I left you I can't forget you.......

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