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I was resting on the couch when I heard screaming coming from upstairs. I bolted up the flight of stairs and busted in the room. Faith was screaming in her sleep. Quickly I sat on the bed and shook her awake. She instantly wrapped her arms around me searching for safety.

"Faith. Your safe here. No one is going to hurt you." I said rubbing her head. I rocked her back and forth until we both eventually fell back into sleep.


"Well! Well! Well! Isn't this cute!" August loud mouth ass said waking me out of my sleep. Faith shifted in my arms still sleeping.

"Trying to play mommy again J?" He said laughing.

"First of all don't call me that. August why do you have this girl. She doesn't have anything to do with whatever her people are involved in." I said standing up.

"Oh relax she isn't in any harm. For now. As long as her people pay their dues she can go home but if not..." he makes a gun gesture with his hand and "shoots" at faith. I quickly grab his arm twisting it around his back making him yell out in pain awaking Faith.


Then thing one runs in the room pointing a gun at me but August stops him as I lean over to whisper in his ear,

"Try me bitch." I let him go as he moved closer to the door. He looks at me once more before leaving the room with thing one following right behind him.

"He's going to kill me." Faith says resting her head in her hands.

"Faith you just heard me say I won't let him do anything to you. "

"No listen you don't understand. He keeps talking about " my people my people" but my parents died a long time ago I don't know my brother so what people?! He's not going to get paid which means I'm never going to leave this place which means I'm going to die." She said bursting into tears again. I went to hug her and try to calm her down.

Something isn't right. If she doesn't have any parents then what has August been talking about this whole time.


I'm sitting in the house on the phone with some other gang members making deals and such when Corey, King and Chris come downstairs talking about let's go to the mall. I looked at they asses like they were crazy.

"How can y'all possibly think about going to the mall right now when Jordan is still out there somewhere." I say to them.

Chris speaks up, " Look Tray we aren't gone stop looking for my sister until we find her. Period. But that doesn't mean we about to let yo ass go crazy in this house just sitting here worrying. You need to get out. Plus the girls told us to take you too cause they still pissed at you." He says while Corey chuckles.

"Ight man whatever fuck it." I said hopping up to get dressed.


I was sitting on the couch with Faith eating sandwiches I made when August came in the room. Faith grabbed my arm and I gave her a reassuring look as she calmed down a little.

"August what the hell do you want?" I said slightly annoyed that he was scaring her.

" look y'all two gotta get the fuck up outta here for a few hours. I got business to attend to and yo ass is nosey." He said pointing fingers at me.

"I bet I blow that shit off you'll be more careful where you point it." I said rolling my eyes as Faith let out a slight laugh. It warmed my heart. August smacked his lips and threw keys at me.

" Go and don't let me have to come looking for your ass or you know what gone happen to your baby." He said leaving the room. I shake his Dracula looking ass off and turn my attention back to Faith.

"We are going to the mall to get you some new clothes okay? But for now go search my closet for something you like and then we can go okay?" I said to her she nodded and ran upstairs.

About thirty minutes later we pulled up into the parking lot and headed inside.

I saw a foot locker and decided that would be the best place to start. On the way in I saw a tall skinny figure with a white scarf tied around his head. He was on the phone looking real secretive. ' Tray used to do that' I thought to myself. I sent Faith into the store and approached him.

I tapped his shoulder as he turned around annoyed,

"What?!....... Jordan?!" He said before picking me up and spinning me around. I kissed his face and hugged him tight. I missed him so much. Then Tray quickly put me down and reached for his waist.
"Where is that punk ass nigga?!" I grabbed his hands and looked into his eyes. They weren't like Tray's eyes. These were full of rage and pain. He calmed himself down before speaking.

"He isn't here is he?" I shook my head no as Tray sighed and leaned against the wall.

"Tray I have never seen you like this before. You can't let this consume you and turn you into something your not." I said to him.

"How J? I can't be myself if you aren't there. You are my happiness my smile my everything if you aren't there neither am I. I need you to be home. I wanna take you away from him. You should have never been there to begin with it's all my fault." I shook my head

"No I Tray I went with him because I had to."

"What do you mean had to. You didn't have to do anything you didn't want to!" His words felt like a punch to the chest but I ignored the blow because I know he isn't himself.

"I'm doing it to protect you. Look when I first left he found me. He said that if I didn't come live with him he would kill you. He knows I would do anything for you so I went." I said looking down. Tears ran down my face. I can believe how stupid I was.

Tray pulled me into a kiss that felt like magic. There was pain and forgiveness and love embraced us both.

"You did something for me no one else would ever do. And that's give your life for mine. I love you. I'm taking you home now." He said trying to pull me out the store but I release myself from his grasp.

" I can't leave Tray not yet. There is a girl involved." I said looking back to footlocker to see Faith through the window.

"Who is this girl? What's her name?" Tray asks.

"Her name is Faith. August stole her from her home where ever that might be and brought her to were we live. I can't leave her there with him there is no telling what he'll do. "

"Faith okay well we will take her too. We just need to be smart about it. Look here is what we are going to do." Tray says pulling me closer to him.

AN: Whew Child I am tired! I really hope y'all like this update because I stayed up dumb late to finish it all. I've decided to finish the book probably in the next 3-5 chapters but I will finish it. I'm super excited for what I have planned for the up coming chapters. Love Breee💙

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