The Ending/Epilouge

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1 Year Later


"It's been a little over a year now and Tray and I have moved to a much better place in our lives. We got back to the house that day and really talked about everything we had experienced since we lost the baby. We both came to terms with our feelings. I'm so glad we were able to move past everything that happened to us. Being back in the house is amazing. Our friends come over to visit us all the time. Lyric and Chris are even engaged! He asked her about a month after I returned home. Says he didn't want me to miss their special moment because he knew it would mean a lot to Lyric if I was there. That made me feel good. Faith is also in good health. Me and Tray decided to be her legal guardians. It hasn't been easy she's still learning to work through some issues but she is my entire world and I love her. Tray has also been working really hard to form a relationship with her. I'm so proud of the man he is becoming",

Just then I felt baby kicking. I smiled down at my stomach rubbing where the little foot was.
"Looks like we got a active baby." Tray said walking into our bedroom. He plopped down next to me on the bed kissing my head, then laying down across my thighs. Just then the force and frequency of the baby's kicking escalated.
"Woah." I said holding my stomach. Tray shot straight up rushing into the closet grabbing the baby bag.
"ITS TIME!" He runs out the room as I laugh at him.
"Tray!" I said laughing uncontrollably. He came back in the room grabbing things from the dresser. " I gotta pee." I said dying. Just then he looked at me with a stank face, "Then get off my bed man what you doing?!" He said trying to move me. I just laughed laying back on the bed. " Tray I'm not in labor! I think the baby just knows when your around. It kicks more. That's why I think it's a girl. " I said rolling around on the bed. " Girl would you stop rolling on my baby." He said putting the baby bag away.

I signed my signature on the discharge papers leaving them on the front desk. I chuckled to myself as I thought " man I just won't stay dead." I climbed into the back seat of my Uber.

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