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Sorry I've been M.i.a for awhile guys I'm starting back in school and already my teachers have been flooding with homework but I'm getting my laptop real soon and I hope to update more often. Don't forget to Vote and Comment! ~Breee💙

Jordan(1 week later)

I rolled over onto Tray's side of the bed and was met with cold silk sheets. He wasn't in the bed again. He's been missing from bed every night for the last week and I'm sick of it. I need to figure out what's going on.

I quietly get out the bed and slide my robe on carefully closing the door behind me. I snuck around the corner trying not make any noise as Lyric, Baby Melody and Chris we're all sound asleep next door.

"No she's still sleep. You don't need to be asking about her stay in your place. "

I leaned over the banner and saw tray sitting on the couch talking on the phone. Who the hell its 3 AM . Who wants to talk this early.

"I will when I get ready don't worry ya head about that. Okay. Take care of Junior. B-"

"Tray who is that? " I asked coming down the stairs.

He hung up on whoever it was before placing his hand above his heart.

"Woman you scared me!"

"Tray I don't care. Now who was that?! " I say pointing at his phone.

"Why you worried about it Jay? " He asked standing up.

"You know the only girl I want is you" He said trying to wrap his arms around me but I pushed him away.

"So you were on the phone with another bitch Tray? That's why you always leaving the bed late at night like I wasn't gone notice that shit?! " I screamed at him.

"Yo Yo Chill! It's people trying to sleep your really bugging right now. She's not even important. " By now Lyric, Chris and Airi were sitting on the stairs behind us.

"Tray I DON'T GIVE A FUCK! Who is the bitch?! You cheating on me?! Really! " I said crying my eyes out.

"Woah hold on" Lyric said coming up behind me.

"I'm not cheating on you Jordan. Your a damn drama queen. " Tray said nonchalantly.

I stared at him for a second before jumping on him causing us both to fall to the ground.

I threw wild pucnhes at him while he tried to use his arms to block. Lyric kept calling my name but all I could see was RED.

Tray POV

I used my arms to block her fists. They were tiny but powerful. Chris tried pulling her until she finally let go. He carried her upstairs. I let out a puff of air and plopped on the couch. Lyric walked over to me.

"You BETTER have a good explanation when she calms down or else I'm beating ya ass too. " She said pushing my head with her index finger. I sink further into the couch while Airi just shakes her head at me. What have I done?

Jordan POV

I lay across the bed with my head on Lyrics lap as she tries to comfort me.

Tears flowed down both sides of my face as I bawled my eyes out. Everything I've been feeling these past few months since I got home came crashing down. I just can't believe Tray would do this to me.

Hold up. I sat up quickly and cleared my face. I forgot who tf I am. I jumped up and headed to my closet.

"Jay? Where you going? " Lyric called out to me.

"I almost forgot who I was girl! Ha. Tray wanna go out and do his own thing? So can I. " I said looking for the best outfit I could.

"Bitch it's not even 6 am where you going? " Lyric said laying back on the bed.

Chris chuckled at the door way causing me and Lyric to snap our heads in that direction. He quickly cleared his throat before going back to his room.

I just shook my head. Lyric was right though.

"Then I'mma go get something to eat. "

After taking a shower I tossed my hair into a loose bun and got dressed in a black and blue adidas set.

Before I could get out the door good here come this nigga.

"Be careful. " He said not even looking my way.

"That's all you got to say really? "

"Look it's people out there that could use you to get to me. That's all I'm saying. " What?

"Boy what? What the hell did you get yourself into Tray?! " I say

"Don't worry about all that. The less you know the better. "

I roll my eyes and head out the door. I can't. God what is happening in my life?

I hop in my car and turn the radio on blasting whatever came on before pulling off quickly.

I turned the corner leaving my neighborhood and a black car pulled up next to me.

A loud gun shot sounded. I felt the glass from the window fall into my lap and a sharp pain in my temple. Then darkness.

Tray POV

I'm really worried about Jordan. I'm going to tell her everything when she gets back hopefully she's not mad. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I see its one of the guys from my trap.

"Yo wassup? Wait slow down. Tf you mean a accident?! Where is she at?! Ight ight bye. "


Not Jordan. Not my baby. What have I done?

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