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Hey Guys! Just a quick update within the next few chapters I will be ending making love but I wanted to take a few minutes to talk about the drama that has been going on with Tray Bills and IAmJustAiri lately.

Now anybody who knows me knows that these two are my faves but I honestly feel some type of way about this whole situation.

For those that don't know about a day or two ago Tray accused Airi of cheating on him. Then she responded calling him a liar. Tray then made a video dropping text receipts from the person airi allegedly cheated on him with. Airi then proceeded to drop a "I'm pregnant video" claiming that she is pregnant with Tray's baby. Tray doesn't believe her and feels like she made that up because she know she did wrong and doesn't want him to leave her which he explained in his "Airi pregnant by who?!" Video. ( not gonna lie when that title popped up in the notification I died laughing cause Tray is petty.)

Now I love Airi but in this situation I am definitely team Tray. I don't believe Tray is a dumb man at all and I feel like everything he was saying made sense. With Airi all she really did was say that she didn't wanna do this over social media and used the baby excuse to ( in my opinion) hide her quilt. It just makes sense.

I honestly feel bad for both of them in a sense because 1. No one deserves to be cheated on and 2. It's a whole other kind of embarrassment when your business and your faults is being aired out to the whole world. Shit that follows you forever. That's the only fault I really see in Tray is that he brought the whole situation to the media when all he had to do was not say anything to anyone until he was ready to talk.

ON A BIGGER NOTE STOP BASHING AIRI AND STOP BASHING TRAY AND STOP CLAIMING THAT YOU DON'T CARE WHEN YOU DO. People that talk about how much they don't care about Tray and Airi but take time out their day to comment on something they "don't care about" really look dumb. Now as they both have said we are all just outsiders looking in making opinions on what we heard but we really don't know what is truly going on in their lives. Please be respectful of both of them no matter of the wrong doings or your own opinions.

Love y'all more chapters in the coming days ❤️

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