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"Chris you are some type of special I swear. " I said laughing as we pulled up outside my house. The car grew silent as he cut off the radio.

"Look Lyric I really think we could do this again foreal this time. I know what I want. You and Melody and for us to be a family. " I sighed leaning back in the seat.

"Chris I don't know. " I said looking into his eyes.

"I know your still hurt from last time but I promise you I want you and only you. It's always only been you Lyric. Maria ain't got nothing on you. " I laughed a little smiling.

"You got that right. Okay maybe we can  work on something. I'm giving you my heart please don't break it again. " I said seriously. He grabbed my hand before planting a soft kiss on it.

"I will never hurt you again. You and my babygirl are all I want and need from here on out. " He said before kissing me passionately on the lips.

I broke the kiss before speaking.

"Wait what are we gonna tell everybody? "

"We are adults we can make our own choices on who to date Lyric. They should be supportive anyways we have a whole daughter together. " He said in a duh tone. I laughed a little he was right. He was looking right too.

"Do you wanna come in? " I asked.

"Yeah let's go. " He said turning off the car.


We both fell back onto the bed breathing heavily.

"You have no idea how bad I've been wanting to do that. " Chris said causing me to giggle. I laid my head on his chest making hearts on his stomach with my finger.

"Okay what's up? " He spoke.

"What are you talking about? "

"You start fiddling or air drawing when your thinking. So what's on your mind? " He said sitting us up.

"I am just thinking that maybe- " I was cut off by my phone ringing. It was Jordan.

"Yes baby sister? "

"Where in the blue fuck are you?!  Its almost one in the morning big head! " She said yelling into the phone. I looked at my clock to see it was now 12: 54pm. I gasped jumping out my bed.

"Okay alright I'll be there in like 20 minutes. " I said before hanging up.

Chris jumped out the bed getting dressed too. I always loved that about him. If I jump so does he. My ride or die.

"I totally forgot I asked Jordan to babysit tonight." I said grabbing my keys. Chris followed me out the door and we drove back to his house.

After a few minutes we pulled into the drive way before hoping out both of our cars.

Chris unlocked the door as I followed him inside. We walked into the living room to see Tray asleep with Melody on his chest sleep as well.

"Hey you two come here!" Jordan snapped whisper yelling at us.

"Where were you guys?! " She asked placing her hands on her hip.

"We um... We stopped to get gas...  The birds was flying and... You know Obama was talking about call of duty and stuff. " Chris tried to lie. I just shook my head.

"Obama?? Chris you know you can't lie to save your life so stop it. I know y'all niggas went out together. I'm not slow you know. Was it good Lyric? " Jay said eyeballing me. I felt my cheeks grow with heatThen Chris looked at me with an eyebrow raised. They both waited for my answer

"Nigga go to bed! " I muffed Chris and he smacked his lips before going upstairs.

Jordan looked at me still waiting.

"Girl yes omg!  It's been so long!  He was just perfect tonight. " I said finally.

"Okay thanks for sparing me the details. I'm really happy for both of you guys big sister. Now I'm about to go put my baby in the bed and you should do the same with yours. " I nodded as we walked back into the living room.


"Girl yes omg!  It's been so long!  He was just perfect tonight. " I heard lyric say. I smirked to myself before heading back in my room to go to sleep.

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