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That Night


I could feel arms wrapped around my waist and warm breath slightly breathing down my neck. Tray. I smiled at his touch and snuggled back into him.

"You awake? " He asked in his sleepy voice. Lord help me😍.

"I am now" I said siting up on the bed. I checked my phone to see that it was now 7: 58 and I am starving. I sit myself in Tray's lap and smiles at me.

"What?" He asks rubbing my back.

"You think we could go get something to eat? We haven't really had time to catch up and talk through everything. Plus I'm hungry. " I said with a slight chuckle.

"Sure baby it's whatever you want. " He said before flipping us over so he was on top. I wrapped my legs around his back and secured my arms around his neck. He allowed his arms to snake around my thighs and hold me. We stayed in that position for a while and no one said anything but we spoke a thousand words. Tray kissed my head before jumping up to take a shower and get ready.

I decided I would pick out my chlothes while waiting on Tray. I decided on my grey Champions shirt and joggers. It was crazy to see that I still had a little baby weight left on me. I smiled holding my stomach reminiscing about memories of holding my child. I wiped away a few tears and mentally scolded myself. I have to stop crying every time I see a baby or remember mine. I heard Tray turn the shower of so I quickly pulled myself together and got ready for my turn.

After taking a shower and getting dressed I had to do something to my hair. I decided on two french braids since my hair was still wet. I haven't had a good shower like that in 5 months. Tray was downstairs waiting on me so I grabbed my phone and quickly headed downstairs.


I was talking to Chris and Carmen about a new video we were going to put up and then Jordan came downstairs. I feel like I haven't seen her in years. When she walked into the room we instantly locked eyes. I quickly got out of my chair and she ran up to me embracing me. I wanted to cry.

"Jordan oh my god I missed you so much. " She laughed and hugged me tighter.

"Airi you have no idea how glad I am to see you. " She said grinning from ear to ear.

"You? I'm glad to see you. Nobody else is as fun as you." I said trying to whisper.

" We heard you Airi! " They all said in unison. Me and Jordan broke into a fit of laughter.

"Well I'm about to leave with Tray but we have a lot to talk about when I get back! " She said grabbing Tray's hand and heading out the door.


It was so good to see Airi. She's my best friend besides Chris and of course Tray. As we drove in a comfortable silence, Tray reached over and grabbed my hand kissing it. This is why I married him. The little things matter.

"What's on your mind? " He asked concern laced into his words. I let out a small sigh before answering.

"I really wanted a baby Tray. I know you did too. I can't help but get emotional everytime I think about it. While one part of me really wants to let go and move on and live a good life the other part can't shake the loss of our baby. " I said holding back tears. I'm not gonna cry. Tray looked like someone ripped his heart out. As we stopped at a red light he looked at me.
"I know exactly what you mean baby. But look we are in this together forever. It's hard to get over the loss of a child but baby we can have more kids. As many as you want and ill be right there to make sure nothing happens to you or them. " Awe man I'm definitely crying now. I could barely talk so I just shook my head and hugged him.

The next morning.


It was 5: 23 am and me and Tray were just now making it back home. We stayed out all night talking about everything we were both feeling and the future we plan on having together. I can't wait until we have babies running around. We both slid under the bed sheets together and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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