Chapter 10: Had Enough

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I'm working away at my desk when I hear my phone go off. I look at it. Finally, Hayley text me back.

Hey! Sorry I'm replying late. I was so busy yesterday. So what's the deal with this holiday? It's a bit short notice...

I roll my eyes and call her. She answers straight away.


"Hey." I answer back. I hear a lot of noise in the background.

"Aren't you working?" She asks.

"Yeah, but I thought I'd call you quickly instead of texting a whole paragraph."

"Whats going on then? Zack! What have I told you about turning the tv up to the highest volume?!"

I roll my eyes.

"Sorry Layla. Zack is acting up. Carry on."

"See that, that is why you need a holiday Hayley!!"

She chuckles and sighs heavily.

"Oh, I guess I do need a break." She moans.

"Marcus needs me to go to the South of France for a meeting. I fly out Sunday night and come back Thursday morning. Please come with me! We need some sister time."

"I'll have to talk to Jake about it. I can't just spring this on him and drop everything. Jake works too you know."

"I know that, but It's just for a few days. Surely he can cope?"

"I'd need to find someone to look after Zack throughout the day though."

"What about Jakes mum? She loves spending time with Zack."

"Zack!!! Stop that right now!" Hayley shouts down the phone, making me flinch taking the phone away from my ear. Damn that kid is a nightmare.

"Ugh sorry Layla. I'll call you back about this."

"Just give me an answer now! Yes or no?"

"I need to see if I can get someone to babysit first, and I'll need to talk to Jake when he's back home. I'll let you know ok?"

"Fine." I sigh.

"I'm sorry, I'll speak to you soon."

"Ok, bye."

We both hang up. Fucking kids! She wouldn't think twice about it if she didn't have some little brat to look after. I head down to reception to get some paper work and my lunch from my car. As I walk past I see Michael at the desk talking to Bethany and Mandy. I over hear a bit of their conversation.

"I bet you're loving the job so far! I wish the perks of my job included going on holiday." Bethany sighs.

"It's not really a holiday though." Michael lets out a soft laugh. "And if I was allowed, I'd take you with me."

"Really?" Bethany asks, smiling widely.

"Of course."

"Ok enough flirting now you two." Mandy smirks.

What the hell are they talking about? I stand still and clear my throat.

"Uh what are you all talking about?" I ask walking over.

"Michael's business trip." Bethany smiles.

"Business trip?" I ask with, a slight laugh.

"The South of France. Mr Daniels wants me to fill in on the meeting he's unable to attend." Michael says looking at me.

I pause for a second and shake my head.

"Uh no, I think there is a bit of a confusion... Mr Daniels wants me to go to the meeting. Not you."

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