Chapter 12: Lace

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I look in the bathroom mirror applying red lipstick. My phone pings. I look at it and see it's a text from Stacey.

Hey girl. Come down a bit early before the show for a drink and a chat? X

I stare at the text and then begin to reply.

I'll try...

"Hey." Marcus says startling me, coming through the bathroom.

"You made me jump." I say quickly putting my phone down. I turn looking at him.

"You look nice." He says eyeing me up and down.

"Thanks." I show half a smile.

"Layla I've said sorry a hundred times. Please can you just forgive me? I don't know what else I can do."

I turn back around, and look in to the mirror at my reflection and sigh. I finger comb through my caramel coloured, wavy long hair.

"Have you seen Michael's car?" I ask.

"What?" He makes a face shaking his head.

"He's got an Aston Martin... can you believe it? I mean, where the hell does he get his money from?"

"Oh, right.. yeah I've seen it. I don't know and I don't really care at the moment, I just-"

"Bit weird though don't you think? I know he's on a good wage... but must have cost a lot."

"I don't know how much money he has Layla. What are you getting at?"

I shrug and sigh.

"I don't know really. Nothing I guess... I just don't trust him."

Marcus sighs.

"Can we talk about us please? Enough of Michael."

"I'm going out." I say walking past him, in to our bedroom.

"Where? With who?"

"Just with Hayley."

"Hayley? I thought she couldn't get time off to leave Zack with Jake, but now she's going out with you tonight?"

"Yeah." I say bluntly, picking up my bag.

"How long are you going to be pissed off at me for?"

I ignore him and put on my black heels.

"What about food? Aren't you having dinner before you go?"

"No, I'll just eat something while I'm out." I say standing up and walking out the bedroom.

"Well what time will you be back?" He asks walking after me, down the stairs.

"Late... probably."

"Layla." He holds my arm making me stop and look at him. "I know you're pissed off, but don't lie to me."

I scoff and chuckle.

"Me? Lie to you? You're the one who has been lying to me. I'll see you later." I pull my arm out from his hand and open the front door.

He grabs me again and pulls me back.

"Marcus let me go." I say sternly.

"I haven't lied to you." He says giving me a serious look.

I stare back at him and then he leans down kissing me on the lips. I take myself away and walk over to my car.

"Don't be home too late." He says watching me get in the car.

"Depends how much fun I'll be having." I say giving him a look and then smiling.

He scoffs and smirks shaking his head. He walks back in to the house and shuts the door. I take my mobile out and text Stacey.

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