10. the heartbreaker's mother

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a chapter with more than 3000 words!

A/Na chapter with more than 3000 words!

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I thought Mrs. Pierce hated my guts and would never want to see me ever again after last night but I was proven wrong when I received a call from her at 8 in the morning.

"Casey, darling, I never got to say goodbye to you last night. You left so sudden." She's scaring me. Why is she suddenly so nice to me?

I rub my eyes, still sleepy. "... Sorry." I think of an excuse, "I had somewhere to be." I lie through the phone. How did she even get my number? I don't even know my own number.

"Oh. Well, that's okay," she said. I could literally imagine her faking a sweet smile. "I was just wondering if you wanted to join me on a brunch with my book club," she ask, making me fully awake now.

"Umm...I..." I mumble, trying to think of an excuse.

"Please? My book club ladies want to meet you. You're all they've been talking about." She beg. What is she even talking about? I barely met her last night.

I give it a serious thought and decide to go even though Kaden hasn't even made an attempt to call to apologize for lying to me and making a fool out of myself. He's an asshole. I thought we were getting so well after he dropped me home the other night. But I guess I was wrong.

"Sure...Where should I meet you guys?" I ask her.

"Brigham's Outlet in an hour," she answer so quickly with a happy tone unlike the one from last night.

"See you in an hour. Bye." After she hung up, I quickly jump out of my bed and get ready.

I figure Kaden doesn't know anything about this because if he did, he would've called to warn me. So I'm going to go and see what she wants with me and apologize for showing up to the event in that attire. I'm nervous just thinking about spending time with his mom.

What the hell is a brunch? And why do they want to meet me?

After a while of struggling to find an appropriate outfit, I decide on a white tank top under an unbutton red plaid and a high waisted short that is appropriate with a pair of white converse. As for my hair, I just put it into a bun. I didn't put much makeup, just a dab of concealer to cover my dark circles and lip balm.

When I look at the time, it's already 8:45. Not wanting to be late, which will only make Mrs. Pierce hate me more, I skip breakfast and run out the door in a hurry.

10 minutes later, I arrive at the outlet to see six woman standing together - Mrs. Pierce being one of them. Some of them I recognize from last night.

They're all dressed so nicely and I'm the odd one out once again.

Everyone's attention turn to me. "Casey! You're late." Mrs. Pierce says as a matter of fact as I walk to them.

The Heartbreaker Knows How to Love (#3)Where stories live. Discover now