25. the heartbreaker and I

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"Get home safe. See you tomorrow!" Sophie and Curt wave goodbye.

"Thank you. See you guys tomorrow," I tell them before leaving the diner.

I walk towards the parking lot to the street only to be approached by two guys face to face. They both look older, maybe in their late 30s. Do they work for Caspian?

I halt and was about to turn to run away until they flash me their badge.

"Good evening, Casey Smith. I'm detective Lowes. This is my partner, Daniels." He points to the guy next to him.

I watch as he put his badge down and away to his jacket pocket.

"What do you guys want?" I ask him, still suspicious.

"We've been working on a case against Caspian Morgan for 2 years now. We have enough evidence to lock him up but we need you to go on the stand and testify against him to lock him away for good," Detective Lowes explain.

Just hearing his name terrifies me. I've already done my part of his sick deal. I'm done. I want nothing to do with him. I don't owe him anything anymore.

"I'm sorry but no. I'm done being involved with him. I don't want anymore trouble." I firmly tell him before turning to walk away.

He grab my hand, stopping me. "Miss Smith. Please reconsider. No one wants to testify against him. You're our only hope. Don't you want to put him away?"

"And why do you think no one wants to testify? Even if you did manage to put him in jail. For how long? A year? A few months? You don't know what he's capable of. He destroyed my life." I tell detective Lowes.

He lets out a sigh before letting me go. I watch as he pull something out of his pocket and hand it to me.

"I'm not here to force you to do anything you don't want to. But if you change your mind, here's my number."

I grab the card from his hand.

"We will protect you. My partner and I swear no harm will come to you or your family and friends if you do testify. So please think about it," Detective Daniels finally speak up, sending me a reassuring smile.

I walk pass them, stuffing the card inside my pocket. I wave down a taxi and get in.

After 10 minutes, the taxi drop me off in front of the apartment building. I make my way inside the building and into the elevator.

The elevator dings and slide open to our floor. I get out and walk to Tiffany's apartment, turning around the corner.

I come to a sudden stop when I see Kaden standing in front of our door. Why is he here? Tiffany must've told him I've been staying here.

I quickly turn away before Kaden can spot me but I crash into someone else.

"I'm so sorry." I apologize to the woman I bump into. She glare at me before walking away.

"Casey?" Kaden call out my way.


I turn around to face him. He had made his way over to me by now.

"Why are you here, Kaden?" I ask him. I'm tired. Today has been a long day. I just want to rest.

"Just hear me out please," Kaden plead, his eyes sparkle with desperation.

"Fine. Come inside," I invite him into the apartment. I walk to the door and unlock it, entering the apartment with Kaden following right behind.

I set my bag down on the counter and turn to Kaden to hear what he has to say. I watch as he closes the door and make his way to me with a slight smile.

"I know about Caspian Morgan. I know you owe him money. I know you wanted me to break up with you. I don't know if you're doing this to protect me or not but I can help you out. I have money. It doesn't matter how much. I just want you back," he quickly tell me.

I don't know how he knows this but I can't have him involved with Caspian.

"That's not how this works, Kaden." I tell him. I don't want his money. I'm not a charity case. "I don't need your help."

He walk closer to me. "I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, Casey. But if those mistakes happened just so I could be with you right now, I'm glad they did. I like you."

"I don't know if I can do it." My voice comes out as a soft whisper.

I don't want him to get hurt. I don't want Caspian to destroy his life. I don't want him to leave me.

"We will protect you. My partner and I swear no harm will come to you or your family and friends..." Detective Daniels's voice repeats in my head, reassuring every doubt in my head.

Kaden grab my hand and intertwine his hand into mine. He slowly lean in closer.

I quickly pull away and step back. "I've been alone all my life. I've learned to never trust anyone because at the end of the day, I'm all that I have left. So I don't know if I can put my trust in you and believe that you'll love me and never hurt me."

Kaden step closer and cup his hand to my cheek. "I promise I won't hurt you," He tells me. I look into his eyes, mesmerized by him and all that he is.

"I'll love you with all my heart." His voice is soft and sincere.

And I believe him. I knew at that moment, right then, right there, that he would never ever hurt me.

And Caspian Morgan can never hurt him or me ever again if I help put him away for good.

A bright smile slowly makes its way to my face and I suddenly pull him into a kiss.

I don't know what the future will bring us but I know that I love him and want to be with him. And if we do it right this time, nothing can ever come between us again.


Oh my god! Only 5 more chapters left. I have decided to end this book after five more chapters. I don't want to drag it out even more.
Thank you so much for reading!
Stick around and find out what will become of Kaden and Casey's ending.

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