28. the heartbreaker and the goodbye

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"Is there anything else you want us to know?" Officer Johnson question me.

He's been interrogating me for the last 10 minutes about the hit and run since I got out of Kaden's room. I told him everything I know. I told him about Caspian.

"No. I've already told you everything I know." I tell him honestly.

"Okay. Thank you for cooperating Miss Smith. We'll do everything we can to get Caspian." He tells me.

"Can you really arrest him though? Just from my statement?" I ask, remembering Detective Lowes's word.

He lets out a sigh, "Unfortunately, there's no physically evidence tying him to the hit and run. But we'll do everything we can."

They'll never be able to put him behind bars, the thought occur to me and remains in my mind. Detective Lowes and Daniels were right. Caspian is too smart to leave evidence connecting him to the hit and run.

"If you have anymore questions, feel free to call me anytime. Here is my card." He hands me his card before leaving.

I look down at the card on my hand, my mind uneasy.

"Why are you still here?" Mrs. Pierce approach me. I look up to see her glaring eyes staring back at me.

"I'm sorry for what happened." I tell her sincerely.

"I've protected my son his whole life but you came along and he almost died." She step closer to me. I cower in fear at her intimidation.

"Do yourself a favor, get the hell out of his life. You two will never be together." After the warning, she leaves.

I make my way out of the hospital. The cold breeze embrace me into the empty night. I slowly walk down the streets, rethinking everything through.

My heart is heavy. My mind is unstable.

I don't know what my life will be like with Kaden in it. I've always been alone my whole life, taking care of nobody but myself and I was fine. I've always put myself first.

Maybe both Kaden and I will be better apart then together. Whenever we're happy together, something always comes along and mess it up. Maybe this is the universe's way of telling us we don't belong together.

After an hour or two of walking aimlessly around the streets, I come to a stop.

I've made up my mind.

I turn back and make my way towards the hospital again.

I carefully look through the small window on Kaden's door to see only him unconscious on the bed in a dim room.

I slowly open the door and step into his room. I hover over his lifeless body. I watch in silence as his chest rises and lowers in a slow pace.

"I love you, Kaden Pierce," I admit. Tears slowly fall down my cheeks nonstop.

"...Which is why, it's gonna hurt so much for what I'm about to do," My voice breaks.

"I love you but I need to go. I have to leave. Because if I stay, we'll only end up hurting each other. It's time I take a step back and figure out my life. I became my own problem and I need to fix myself. I'm sorry for all the troubles I've caused you. You changed my life. You came to me unexpected and I'm glad you did. Thank you for everything you've given me. Thank you for loving me." I keep wiping away every tears that falls down.

"It hurts so much to leave you, but the longer I stay, the more it'll hurt to love you. If one day, we find our way back to each other, maybe, things will be different." I lean in to him, placing my lips onto his as my tears fall down into his cheek.

I straighten up and look at him one last time, memorizing every detail, freckles, scar, on his face.

"Goodbye, Kaden Pierce."

I swallow the pain in my throat and turn to head out. Each step I take away from him is heavier than the last.


Thank you so much for all the love and support you guys have given. There's only TWO more chapters left, embrace yourselves!

 There's only TWO more chapters left, embrace yourselves!

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