15. the heartbreaker and the party

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7721 Creek Drive just in case you decide to show up.

I stare at the text Alec sent me 2 days ago.

The party's today. I'm still debating whether I should go or not. I just got out of work and Kaden would usually pick me up when I didn't even ask him to but he's not here today.

Is he at the party?

What's so special about this party that everyone seems to be talking about?

"All I'm saying is, you don't seem like the type to drink, loosen up, and have fun." Kaden's voice creeps into my mind to which I can't help but be mad about.

I'll go and prove him wrong.

With that final decision in mind, I signal for a cap and get in.


Of course Alec's house is a freaking mansion. I stare in awe as I enter the house. The music is blasting and chatters can be heard throughout the room.

It definitely smells like alcohol in here. I cover my mouth and make my way through the crowd in the hallway to the living room, looking around for a few familiar faces.

"Kaden's such a flirt." The brunette passes by with her friend.

He's definitely here then. I ignore them and look around for Kaden.

"Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her!" I hear cheering from the corner of the room and make my way towards it only to stop halfway when I realize what's happening.

I pause in my track and continue to look at the sight just to make sure my eyes aren't playing tricks on me.

At the corner of the room, people are sitting in a scattered circle formation. The center of attention right now is Kaden's tongue down a blonde girl's throat.

I clench my teeth and my hands form a tight fist. I watch as Kaden pull away from her with a satisfying grin, wiping the corner of his lip.

It's disgusting.

This is why he didn't want me to come. He didn't want me to ruin his fun.

Angry, I grab a cup from the table which I assumed is filled with alcohol and make me way towards Kaden.

In the midst of others still cheering them on for kissing, Kaden notices me and his face drop.

I bet he didn't think I would show up.

With anger boiling, I splash the liquid right at his face earning a few gasps of shock here and there then the group of people in the circle went silent.

"How could you!" I yell in anger before quickly leaving far from Kaden.

"Casey!" I hear Kaden calling after me but I don't look back. I just want to get out of here. I speed up my pace through the hallway.

The memories of Kaden chasing after Sophie in front of Aura that night comes back to mind. In the end, I'm just like every other clueless girl who fell for him.

"Casey!" He grab my arm and pull me back to face him. I avoid his gaze and wait for him say whatever excuse he came up with.

"It was for a game. We were playing truth or dare and she dared me to make out with her. It meant nothing," he reasoned.

I don't even know what to say to his explanation. I don't care if it was for a game. He shouldn't have done that.

Why am I acting like this? It shouldn't matter to me if he kisses other girls or not. We're only pretending. It's all an act.

The Heartbreaker Knows How to Love (#3)Where stories live. Discover now