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Every guy you meet will want to win your heart, but will there ever be a man that will keep it and treasure it? I could stay up all night thinking about it, but that wouldn't change a thing. I mean, all girls do is dissect every word any male ever says. She manipulates it to mean what she wants when in reality she's fooling herself. This is how the female mind usually works: Do you see that hot guy across the room? He bought me a drink? Hell yeah I'll dance with him! Do you think he likes me? He's a great kisser! Should I take him home? Damn, he's strong.

And the male mind: I want to sleep with her. I bet she'd be good in bed. Let me buy her a drink.

It drives me crazy that the world has come to this. Girls fall for just about anything these days. You can call her beautiful and boom she'll sleep with you. Half the girls in high school are pregnant, the majority being one night stands. Every girl just mopes around and goes with any guy who gives her a shred of attention. When was it ever wrong to be single? Why do girls think they need a man to feel special? Seriously, get a really good female friend and have fun together!

Make the boys want you!

Make them chase you!

Don't just give it all away for one night!

Find someone who makes you feel special!

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