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I can feel their eyes following me until I enter the building. I lean against the wall and sigh. Why am I acting so weak? Closing my eyes I try to get myself together. I'm sure they think I'm crazy by now. I mean, if I was them I sure would. I take another huge breath and open my eyes. I jump, nearly having a heart attack because the last thing I expected to see was a person standing in front of me. Like what the hell? Make noise when you move. Stop acting like a freaking serial killer! I roll my eyes as I notice it's none other than David, my ex-boyfriend. And what is he doing? Smirking.

"What do you want David?" His arms cross as his smirk grows. My unamused tone tipping him off that he's the last person I'm interested in seeing.

"Looks like you found yourself a new clique."

"That's not it and you know it. Jess and I invited you to join us many times." He rolls his eyes and laughs. Can you freaking believe that?

"You moved onto bigger things didn't you? Tell me, how was Lucius last night?" My brain doesn't even have time to catch up with me as I stand up straight and slap him. I never thought I was a violent person, but shit, don't you dare accuse me of being some slut. "You bitch," he spits. He lifts his hand, his palm connecting with the bruise that's already on my cheek. "You wouldn't let me kiss you until our third date, but you let some stranger have sex with you?! I understand he's attractive, but geez Devyn, you don't need to go around having sex with other boys. I'm already jealous." My hand slides off my cheek, pure shock taking over my body.

"Wow. Why does everyone think I'm just some slut who wants to have sex with everyone?" Before he can respond I continue. "You know what? You don't have a right to answer that and why the hell do you think I'm trying to make you jealous? You're no longer a part of my life, so if you would excuse me." I try to side step him when he pushes me back against the locker. I do the only thing I can think of, I lift my knee straight into his groin. I hope you can never have kids again. But I know I didn't hit him that hard. I sigh, what a shame. He doubles over and falls to the ground. "Don't touch me." I step over him and walk outside. I must look a little frazzled as I walk up to Jess, Lucius and his brothers, because they're all staring at me, their eyes wide, waiting for me to explain why my cheeks are flushed, my eyes are narrowed, and my hair is a freaking disaster.

"Devyn what happened?" I point to the door just as David comes out his hand still on his groin.

"You're right. I should have got a restraining order against him. He's fucking crazy." Jess laughs, everyone turning to stare at her, their eyebrows furrowed.

"What? It's not every day Devyn admits she's wrong." I laugh. She's so beyond right it's crazy. Everyone slowly relaxes, opening their lunches. Boy, they're tense all the time.

"He doesn't seem like your type." Jess and I stop laughing and stare at Max. We look at each other and then laugh so hard our stomachs hurt. Max is right. David's blonde, really thin and has the worst personality I've ever seen. Soooooo not my type.

* * *

When lunch is over Lucius walks with me to my locker while everyone else heads to class.

"Who was that?" He leans against the lockers. This boy is so curious all the time. What is that popular phrase that's always used? Oh, curiosity killed the cat.

"Just my psycho-ex." I open my locker and start to switch out my books.

"How long did you two go out for?"

"A little over a year."

"How long ago?" Why is he so interested in David? I stop and look at him.

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