Devyn Part 2

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"Hey, I have something for you." I opened  my eyes slowly to see Lucius kneeling down on the side of the bed in only his sweat pants smiling at me as if there was no one else he would rather see. I sat up as Lucius sat on the edge of the bed. "I wanted to give this to you the other night, but..." He stopped talking, because we both knew exactly what he meant. The night I told him the truth and gave him everything. I blushed and when I looked up to see him smirking at me I blushed even further.

He held out a little box for me and my heart stopped. He's never taken the time to hide a gift before. He usually just showed it to me, but instead he's created this suspense and I want nothing more than to drop dead, that's how freaked I am. I reach for the box and when it's in my hands it feels velvety soft. I take a deep breath and open the box. My mouth fell open as I stared at the silver and gold necklace in the box and what is more unbelievable was that it said "yours forever" in black ink on the front of the heart. I look up at him.

"Lucius I..." I didn't know what to say. He smiled and took the necklace out my hands. I turned around and lifted my hair so he could put it around my neck. I am never ever taking this off, well unless I shower or something, because I don't want it to get ruined or lost. I felt its weight on my chest and smiled. It makes me feel certain that I have his heart and he has mine. "I guess this is a good time as any..." I stood up and walked over to my part of the dresser and pulled out a bag " give you this." He looked from the bag to me. "I'm sorry I didn't know we were wrapping gifts now." I shrugged and he met me halfway so that we were standing in the middle of his room. He took the bag out of my hands and spilled the contents out into his palm. It was a long chain with a flat emblem at the end, so that he could wear it under his shirt like the other one he wore of a cross. It had "my heart is yours" carved into it. It's ironic, but also super adorable that we got each other similar gifts. He immediately put it around his neck until the cold metal was touching his bare chest.

"I will treasure it forever." I don't know if he meant the necklace or my heart, but I leaned up on my tiptoes and kissed him. He has no idea what he does to me.

"Almost ready for school?" Lucius and I broke apart and smiled at each other as Kat grew more impatient downstairs.

"Hold on." I called never once looking away from Lucius. He leaned down and kissed me one more time, before we both moved to get dressed for school. I was surprised I

slept that long or that he didn't wake me up. I bet he did that on purpose. Maybe he was nervous. That would be so adorable.

* * *

What I soon found out was that when I got nervous I played with the necklace that was now around my neck. I felt like he was always there, never once leaving my side. Never once has anyone given me something so personal and yet I'm the one that feels exposed. It's not in a bad way, but at the same time it doesn't feel entirely good either. I assume it's the nerves of not wanting to get hurt, because now that he has my heart anything is possible. It makes me nervous, but all of that goes away the minute I see him after the bell rings. He is walking across the quad when I exit the hallway door. It feels like it's only just us two and sometimes I even have to remind myself that it isn't, that there are people around.

When we reach each other we hold nothing back. He wraps me in his arms as I go on my tip toes and we kiss. Not the usual teenage kisses that are disgusting, but a passionate, love kiss. Anyone watching could tell the difference, I'm positive.

"Damn." Lucius and I turn and smile at Nik as he walks up to us with Max and Mikhail not too far behind. "Care to share?" He started to make kissy faces at me as Lucius wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to his chest. Nik pouted, but everyone else couldn't help but laugh until Nik lunged at Lucius. He barely had time to push me away before the two of them collided and started to roll in the grass. If Mikhail didn't have such quick reflexes I would have been eating dirt right then.

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