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"You look beautiful Devyn." I smile at Kat, but deep down I can't stop thinking of all the things I want to say to her. For one, I want to yell at her for making this all so dramatic, but instead my smile grows. I'm so incredibly thankful to her. If she didn't help me I don't think I ever would have told Lucius.

When we first walked in the house everyone stared at us. I don't know why we still take people off guard. Like for real, it's been an hour. Look away!

"Smile." Lucius whispers in my ear. I turn around and give him my biggest, cheesiest grin. He laughs as he lifts his hand to my cheek. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I shake my head. "I'm just not used to all of the attention." I shrug.

"You don't need to be embarrassed."

"I'm not embarrassed." I look down at my dress. "I love the dress, but..." I cut off and look at him. I give him a sad smile,  but just as he's about to say something Jess runs over and pulls me into her chest, wrapping her arms around me.

"You look absolutely stunning." She pulls back and smiles at me. "You too Lucius." She gives him a nonchalant wave over her head. Lucius chuckles, but I can tell our previous conversation isn't over. His face is all the confirmation I need. But as if the world had it planned the doorbell rings right as Jess is about to say more. Karma at its finest.

"Happy Birthday honey." I freeze, my eyes widening. Jess smiles as I slowly turn around until my eyes meet my father's. 

"Dad?" He smiles a sad smile.

"Hello baby." Without even thinking,  I run across the room and fly into his arms. My tears are racing down my cheeks, faster than I can wipe them off. So much for hiding them. I mentally roll my eyes. "I'm so sorry honey. I-" I cut him off.

"It's okay dad. I forgive you." A tear falls down my dad's cheek and very gently I wipe it away.

"Would you do me the honors?" He holds out his hand and I take it, a smile taking over my face. For the first time tonight I'm dancing. And surprisingly it's with my father. I've missed him so much. Every time I would go to his house he'd never answer. I don't know if he was home or if he was asleep or if he was just too scared to answer the door, but for today I don't care. All that matters is that he's here.

Just as the second song comes to an end, Tanner walks into the room. He makes eye contact with me and suddenly I'm more determined then ever. Today's the day they will be reunited. A couple of weeks ago, I asked Tanner if he could do me this one favor. He promised that if dad showed up he'd talk to him and here he is keeping his word. He doesn't look happy about it, but again, I don't really care.

"Dad?" I pull away and his eyebrows crease.

"Is everything okay honey?" I nod as I incline my head, pointing my chin to someone behind him.  He turns around and gasps. If I hadn't experienced the same thing all those months ago, I would never be able to imagine the swirl of emotions they're both feeling.

"Tanner?" Tanner's eyes are wide. It's clear he didn't expect our father to react this way. "Tanner!" Dad bolts across the room and grabs Tanner's shoulders, pulling him into a hug. I thought Tanner would push him away, but instead he wraps his arms around our dad and begins to cry. What an emotional night this has turned out to be.

Now that my work here is done, it's time to find Lucius.

"Looking for someone?" I would have jumped, but spending all this time with him has made me immune. It's getting harder and harder to take me by surprise. Which I'm thankful for. I was so sure he'd give me a heart attack one day.

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