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This is stupid. Why the fuck do I have to be here? This girl is probably weak and ugly. Why did I have to be the one to watch over her? Just for the hell of it I'm going to embarrass her in front of the entire class. I stop outside the door and take a couple of deep breaths. I can't look crazy when I walk in. I must look like I know exactly what I'm doing. Plus it won't be hard to hold their attention because of my fucking curse making me stand out. Today I'll just use it to my advantage.

I open the door and walk in, back straight, head held high.

"You must be Lucius. Better late than never. Please pull up a desk and join the debate circle." His tone pisses me off, but he's the teacher and I'm just a mere student. He's not going to like what comes next. I smirk thinking about all of their reactions especially Devyn Fredericks'. Now which one is she?

"Ms. Fredericks you may continue." Perfect.

"As I was saying before, I disagree with most of you." Her voice isn't as quiet as I expected. "You say that the supernatural wouldn't be able to leave a trace, but that's where I think you're wrong." I stop myself from tensing. Of all the subjects they could be discussing. "There have been many unexplained disappearances and a lot of times we, being humans that might think the supernatural is total bullshit-"


"Sorry. We tend to believe what can be explained, what has vital proof; however just because it doesn't make any sense doesn't mean none of it exists. I believe there are certain things in this world that can't be explained." She barely finishes before I speak, almost cutting her off.

"Like what?" I slouch in my seat examining my fingernails, so she can't see much of my face. I want her to see it when she least expects it. But it's taking everything I have not to look at her and blow the whole drama of it all.

"People disappear all the time and sometimes there's nothing we can do to figure it out. It's just some mystery that will keep us awake at night for the rest of our lives." I raise my eyebrows, but don't speak. She going to keep going? "For instance, April Fabb disappeared in 1967. There was no evidence she was kidnapped nor was there evidence that she ran away. I mean, she was thirteen years old. And it's still unsolved." I finally lean forward with exaggerated slowness, lifting my eyes to her face. My eyes widen a fraction, not long enough for her to notice, but I heard her barely audible intake of air. This is the exact reaction I was expecting, but there's something in her face that's different from the other girls. She has determination and maybe even a little hatred in her eyes. Not what I was expecting. She's gorgeous and definitely not weak. She has long brunette hair and the prettiest brown eyes I have ever seen. She has to play some sort of contact sport, because she has some bruises on her legs and arms, but they make her even more beautiful. How is that even possible? There's also something about her that pisses me off. I want to prove myself to her and I have no idea why and that pisses me off even more, so instead I smirk and bring up my own history lesson.

"What about Solomon Northup? After he wrote Twelve Years a Slave, he went on a book tour. Did he go into hiding? Was he sold back into slavery? Was he murdered?" She raises her eyebrow as if she hadn't thought I'd have anything intelligent to say. Interesting.

"You're right, we don't know what happened to him." A small smile plays on my lips. "It seems logical that he would either go into hiding or someone killed him. I don't think someone would have held him captive forever."

"Tell me, if you were kidnapped wouldn't you do anything in your power to get away and return home?" Her eyes widened. I thought I saw sadness, but she had a control over it before everyone in the classroom was even done gasping. What did I say?

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