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"Please thank your family for everything they've done for me for the past couple months." I could see the tears ready to fall over the edge, but she turned around. I don't know what possessed me, but I reached out to stop her. But nothing else was said. Instead she slapped me, the tears finally falling. "Please, don't come back." I was too stunned to say anything. She'll never forgive me. I pick up the necklace off the concrete before I walk back to the car in a daze, but stop right before I enter. I turn towards the corner Devyn just rounded. Her sorrow pierces my ears. Sometimes having supersonic hearing sucks, because it took miles in between us for me to longer hear her, but I know I'll never forget that sound.

When we can no longer hear her Spar speaks. "She'll forgive you one day."

"No she won't." I turn back to the window. How could she ever?

"Why didn't you tell me it was Devyn?" I don't say anything. Why does it matter who it was? Wait, she knows her? I turn to her eyebrows furrowed. "I imprinted on her brother." What?! She knows I was bluffing?! Oh, shit! That makes it worse. Katie grabs my hand. "She didn't know. Devyn never knew Tanner and I imprinted. She never even knew what he was." She turned away. "We will be lucky if she ever speaks to us again." No one spoke, as it all sank in. "She never knew what we were, as far as she knew we dated for two years and then split. We talked about everything. I helped her with David and the funeral when her mom disappeared. I..."

"Shit." Everyone looked at me, including Spar in the rearview window. "She will never forgive me. Katie dated her brother and I just reinforced that she will always be second best."

"One day you'll have to tell her the truth." I shook my head. She'll never talk to me again. I'll be lucky to get within six feet of her. "One day she'll have to know."

"Know? What makes you think she'll care? What makes you think she will want to know the truth?"

"Because you did it to protect her."

"You were her friend and you lied to her. She will never talk to you again either! And what is with this protect her crap? I was selfish. I should have declined his deal and just stayed with her."

"She would have been killed."

"Which is worse? Dying with someone you love or being told you aren't worth it and that anything anyone ever said is true- That you are a failure, a freak, someone not worthy of being loved, someone who wasn't worth it, someone who never deserved the truth." My eyes darkened. I will never forget her face. The way she looked when I said she was never worth it.

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