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I'm exhausted! Soccer practice just ended and I'm not looking forward to walking around the mall for the next couple of hours. But I guess this is where the phrase "a girlfriend has to do what a girlfriend has to do" comes from.

As I walk up the hill towards the school, Lucius pulls up. Just my luck. I don't even get to shower.

"I don't have time to-"

"No." Max snaps from the backseat. I raise my eyebrows but I can't stop the smile that spreads across my face.

"Well then." Max is never this impatient. I narrow my eyes, suspicious of why he's in a hurry. "Okay, but it's not my fault if I smell ripe." Mikhail gets out of the front seat and jumps in the back before I've even finished my sentence. "You didn't have to move."

Mikhail looks at Lucius and then back to me. "Yes, I really do." I look at Lucius, a smirk playing on his lips. I roll my eyes as I get into the car. Once I close the door Lucius starts driving and I roll down the window. I hear Nik groan. "What? I told you I didn't smell good?" I laugh to myself knowing they have a heightened sense of smell. Sucks to be them!

We arrive at the mall twenty minutes later and it takes everything I have not to huff in defeat. I don't want to give them the satisfaction of knowing shopping bothers me.

"Okay, what are you looking for?" They stare at me expressionless. Clearly that was a dumb question to ask. "Seriously?" I roll my eyes. "What do you like?" I ask no one in particular. The last thing I expect is for all of them to shrug. I throw my arms up and walk past them. "I didn't realize this was going to be so hard," I mumble, knowing they can still hear me. I look behind me and see Nik and Max roll their eyes. I stop and point at them. "Listen here boys, if you want help then you're going to have to be just slightly more forthcoming about what you like and don't like so we aren't walking around the mall like we have sticks up our asses for the next four hours." Nik and Max stare at me with wide eyes as Lucius and Mikhail snicker behind me. I spin around to them. "That goes for you two too." They pinch their lips shut, trying not to laugh. I shake my head as a smile forms on my lips. "Let's go."

"These are your choices: Express Men, Abercrombie, Hollister, H & M, Hot Topic, or Pacsun. I'm sure there are a couple other stores, but those are the ones I can think of right now," I say as we enter the mall. I look at each of them and they shrug again. I narrow my eyes. Nik lets out a huff before walking off and into Hollister. Max following him in. Lucius and Mikhail decide on the store next door, Express Men. Deciding I can't be in two places at once, I stand outside the stores next to the railing.

Figuring out I'm not with them, they all come running out of the stores. I lift my eyebrows as they look around panicked. I clear my throat and they all look at me, glaring. 

"We need your guidance woman," Nik practically yells. 

"I'm really hoping you didn't learn that at school, bro." He smiles, but looks away embarrassed. "I can't be in two places at once, so..." I trail off as I motion to the two stores. "How about you text me when to come look?" They nod their heads in agreement, pulling out their phones. One by one they send me a text message stating their name, so I can save them in my phone.

* * *

I've been running around looking like a complete idiot for over an hour now. I know this for a fact because the people I pass have started cheering me on. Seriously, get a life people! You don't need to watch me run from store to store.

"Devyn!" Nik screeches. I lift my hands, covering my ears.

"That was soooo attractive." I hear him huff in the dressing room before opening the door and walking out. I quickly lift my hands and cover my eyes.

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