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Dinner was beyond awkward last night. All my brothers wanted to do was talk about what Devyn and I had just been up to, moments before our mom called us down for dinner. They all decided to make up their own stories, which included Devyn knocking me out. Like how the fuck would that even be possible? My favorite - by far- was my mother's story. She described in detail that Devyn was deeply concentrated on her homework and the only way to get her attention was to lick her face. Devyn laughed so hard. Ha, she believed I wouldn't do it, so what did I do? I licked her face. Her face was priceless.

* * *

Beep Bee-

I quickly turn my phone off and turn to Devyn. She's still asleep. Phew. I slowly crawl out of bed and leave the room. This girl is driving me crazy. From the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep, she's all I think about, all I dream about. She's completely taken over my senses.

"Lucius?" I shake my head and look up to see my mother standing in front of me, eye eyebrows raised. "You okay?" I crack a smile before I can stop myself. There's no point in hiding it, she's already seen it. I sigh and she takes a seat, a smile of her own brightening up her face. "It's Devyn, isn't it?" I nod. Even if I tried, I can't lie to my mother. "You need to tell her how you feel."

"What?" I look her in the eyes, terror across my face. And what does she do? She laughs!

"You need to tell Devyn how you feel about her. This chance only comes around once."

"And a girl like Devyn definitely only comes around once." I look up and see my father standing in the kitchen doorway. "She loves you for who you are, Lucius. For someone, not of our kind to love you unconditionally, that's rare."

"Yeah, that doesn't happen often." My mom rolls her eyes. "Devyn's not afraid of you and I'd bet on my life that she loves you back. Falling in love with someone as special as Devyn doesn't happen for everybody. You're lucky, so do something about it!" She shoves me.

"If you don't, I'm sure she will." This time I roll my eyes.

"Okay, she can do it." I lean back with a smug look on my face.

"You might not like how she tells you, darling." I shrug. I'd be okay if she said it at all. When no one says anything I look up and both my parents have grins plastered on their faces.

"What?" They both shake their heads, but I can already tell I'm not going to like what they're thinking. Before I can say anything else I hear loud noises coming from upstairs. Devyn must be awake. I get up without looking at them and head up to my room.

When I open the door Devyn is moving around the room frantically, throwing shit everywhere. She turns to look at me before running over to the dresser.

"What are you doing?" Devyn doesn't look up this time. God, she's gorgeous...even when she's flustered.

"I forgot today was superhero day. Jess is going to go ballistic." I walk over to her. I try to calm her down, but she kisses me quickly before turning away, rummaging through one of her drawers. I grab her around the waist as she turns towards the closet. "Lucius I'm serious. She's going to kill me if I'm not wearing something." She sounds frantic, but it only makes this more fun as she tries to pull away. When it's clear I won't give in, she slouches into my arms, forcing me to hold her up. "Lucius..." I kiss her on the cheek before she can say anything else.

"I guess this is as good a moment as any to tell you my mom already got you an outfit?" She jolts up so fast we hit heads. I grab my head as she does the same.

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