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"This is school." She smiles at me before letting out a giggle. Her eyes widen, her cheeks turning pink, embarrassed. I decide not to call attention to it and ask, "what are you doing here?" Her smile instantly fades as she clenches her teeth, a deep scowl on her face. "Hey," I whisper. I reach down and lift her chin, bringing her eyes to mine. As I look at her, I notice there's a slight purple circle on the side of her face. I can see it even though I know she tried really hard to cover it up. I know she didn't have it yesterday. I lightly brush her cheek. "What happened?" She closes her eyes and I want nothing more than to hug her. I want to make her happy more than anything in the world. She finally opens her mouth to speak.

"Devyn." She immediately shuts her mouth, her jaw tightening. She looks over her shoulder and makes eye contact with her Uncle. He ignores me, but I can tell he's pissed and warning her. What did he do? She turns back to me and plasterers the biggest smile I've ever seen on her face.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it." She punches me playfully making it believable for her Uncle, but her eyes are pleading. So I do what anyone would do in this situation and plaster a smile on my face.

"If you say so." Ted retreats back into his office and she immediately drops the smile. Mine morphing into a scowl. "What did he do?" My voice is low, but I know she can hear the anger in it. She walks away, leaving me not only pissed but shocked as well. After a couple steps, she turns around realizing I'm not following her. Her face looks even more defeated as she cocks it to the side, indicating that I should follow her. Once we round the corner she stops and sighs head falling to the ground, her eyes closing.

"It's okay Lucius. I'm fine." She opens her eyes and gives me a small smile, but there's no way I'm letting this go. If he hurt her I'll-

"Luke." Great! Here I am trying to figure out what happened and my brother chooses this moment to barge in. I told him to stay back until the time was right, so she wouldn't be freaked out and yet he still chooses this moment to barge in. Can't he sense she's sad? For the love of God, why couldn't he just wait a second?

As Mikhail walks up, her sad smile gets bigger as her eyes light up. I can't help the growl that starts to form in my throat. Why can't she look at me like that? Fuck!  I glare at him as he reaches his hand out to Devyn.

"I'm Mikhail. You must be Devyn." What the fuck is he doing? Ugh, now I probably look like a creep. She takes his hand, but she looks at me. I can't meet her gaze because I'm still glaring at Mikhail. He didn't have to make it obvious that I was telling them all about her yesterday.

"It's nice to meet you." She turns her attention back to Mikhail, her smile still intact. Thank God! My wolf sighs in relief. I don't know why she makes him so nervous.

"No, the pleasure is all mine." He squeezes her hand before letting it go. I can tell she's happy to meet him, but she also looks a little confused. Oh, yeah, she probably wants to know which brother this is.

"Mikhail's my older brother." She nods as she looks back and forth between us smiling. I can't look away from her and apparently neither can Mikhail. We stare back at her as she watches us.

"And your younger brothers..." They are nearby waiting for the opportune moment and since she's asking about them, they stroll over.

"Hey Devyn." Nik walks right up to Devyn and slings his arm around her shoulders. Didn't I tell them not to make it obvious? Again, a growl starts to form in my throat. My wolf needs to calm down. Her eyes widen and I can't help but laugh. This just keeps getting better and better. If I laugh maybe I won't kill them for touching her.

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