Devyn Part 5

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"Can you sing for me again?" I turned around and stared at Lucius. He had to ask at the lunch table didn't he? My eyes narrowed as his smile grew bigger. Fine if that's how it's going to be.

"No." Everyone seemed to stop what they were doing and stared at us, but we were already in a stare down of our own.

"What if I asked you nicely?" He arched his eye brow.

"The answer would still be no." I had a smirk on my face and before he could say anything the bell rung. We didn't look away from each other as everyone else got up awkwardly trying to sneak away. When they were all gone I got up taking my trash to the trash can by the door.

"Is it really a no?" He wrapped his arms around my waste and whispered the question in my ear. I pulled his arms away and turned around.

"As of right now yes. If you thought I'd cave in front of everyone you have been mistaken." His smile grew. "But I'll think about it and you'll have no choice of when I choose to sing and you'll have to deal with where and when it happens." His eyes narrowed slightly, his smile turning it into a smirk.

"If that's the game we are playing. Bring it on." He pro-annunciated the last three words slowly making sure I did not miss one.

Once I entered my class I sat down and started to brainstorm when I could sing to Lucius. It has to be at a time he would least expect it, but not completely humiliate him. No actually completely put him on the spot. This is going to be a tough one.

"Have you decided?"

"Like I'd tell you." I pushed him away from me but couldn't keep the grin off my face. He grabbed my hand before I could snatch it away.

"I'll figure it out eventually." He had his game face on.

"No you won't." I sang it just to annoy him. It seemed to work because he threw me over his shoulder and walked me all the way to his car with his brothers trailing behind him laughing. "You know, this somehow never gets old." Lucius set me down by the car door.

"How so?" I leaned against the car and looked up at him.

"Well, it seems that whenever I say or do something that goes over an imaginary line I get to just relax and stare at the scenery without actually having to take an actual step myself." He arched his eyebrow. "You see, I just get so tired of walking that it's nice to relax and have a big strong man carry me five feet to the car. Plus it's not like I do it on purpose." My face portrayed that I was completely lying about the last statement.

"Oh, so you purposefully say things to make me carry you?"

"Well, I don't make you." I stuck my tongue out and Lucius' mouth dropped open. Before he could respond his brother's joined us at the car. By the looks on their faces they had heard the entire conversation and were trying not to laugh.

"Dude, you just got served." Once Nik said it, no one could stop laughing. Lucius at first just glared at me, but after a while he relaxed and laughed with us.

"I'm going to Jessica's for a while." Lucius finally looked up from his homework.

"For how long?"

"Not for more than a couple hours, I promise." I walked over and kissed him on the cheek, but before I could leave he pulled me down into his lap and kissed me.

"I'll miss you." I smiled.

"It's only like 3 hours tops." He started to pout. "None of that." I lightly punched him in the arm before standing up. I walked over and grabbed my back pack and when I turned around Lucius was still pouting. "Don't be like that."

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