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"Honey, give her some space. Come back inside. She'll be back." My mom, always trying to make me feel better. "Lucius?" Instead of responding I turn around and make my way back to the house.

"You didn't tell us you had a sister," my mom says as I enter the house.

"I didn't think you needed to know." Tanner has a very smug look on his face when he makes eye contact with me. I could tear your throat out you slimy piece of shit. I push my wolf back, growling in frustration.

"Well we do now." I make sure my voice sounds as nasty as I feel. "What did you do to her?" Tanner's eyes widen, before slowly narrowing.

"That's between Devyn and I."

"Not anymore," Spar says. I look at Tanner, a smug look on my face. "What was Devyn talking about?" He takes a deep breath and sighs.

"I used to abuse her when we were kids." No one says anything. There has to be more than that. "Uncle Ted taught us how to fight when we were younger and she was better than me from the very beginning, so I used what we learned on her." I raise my eyebrows. "I'd hit, cut, and whip her whenever I felt like it." My eyes narrow as my hands start to shake. "I regret it now." He stops there, but I know there's more. I stand up and start to leave the room. I need a better answer than that. I need to know more about her. "You should be ashamed of what you said to her." I turn around as Tanner stands up, my wolf starting to take control. "She isn't weak. Not even close and you told her that she's pathetic right to her face. I wouldn't be surprised if she never came back." I throw him out the door before anymore can be said.

"I never said she was pathetic."

"It's how she interpreted it. She doesn't hit people unless she wants answers, but today you added a new one to her list. She'd fight anyone who hurt her." We face off, my family rushing out the door. Nik and Max look excited while my mother has nothing but worry etched in her features.

"You did more to her than you're saying." Tanner's eyes flash before narrowing.

"From what I've seen so have you." What the hell? Instead of acting surprised I narrow my eyes. "Devyn is twice the person you will ever be." Duh, I'm a werewolf moron. "You think you're so high and mighty, well I'd like to see you try and beat her. Before you make it five steps she's already won. She's good at reading people and she probably knew from the moment she met you that you were trouble. She's just too kind-hearted to act like a bitch. She's one of the strongest people I've ever met, but that also makes her the most naïve." He sure has a big opinion of her. "But you already knew that didn't you?" I can't help it, my eyes widen and his smirk grows. "The first time you saw her you thought she was weak and defenseless, thinking you could overtake her and be done with her in a matter of days, but you'll get tired of her, after all she isn't meant for you." He winks and walks away before I can come up with something to say.

"Lucius just ignore him." Nik playfully hits my arm but I'm off in my own world. Was he right? Did I want her for all the wrong reasons? I didn't imprint on her, so she isn't mine. But why do I feel so protective towards her. Why does every bone in my body scream for her? Why does my blood boil at just the mention of her name? Why does my mind think of nothing else?

"He's right." I surprise myself, saying it out loud. "I did call her weak." I sigh. "She was so angry and sad that I know I made it worse. I'm supposed to protect her and instead..." What? Feed her to the wolves? That's not quite the sentence I'm looking for, but somehow it feels just as true.

"Honey, you can't blame yourself. Devyn's a strong girl. She's a little rough around the edges, but given the past we just learned here today it's appropriate to say she deserves a little space." Mom's right. Devyn has been through so much, it's amazing she's alive at all. "Let's all go inside. She'll be back shortly." I feel her hand grasp my arm and start to move me towards the house. I guess that's all we can do for now. Give her space.

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