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"Kim Anderson, a senior at Lakeview High School was reported missing yesterday afternoon. Reports say they didn't want to worry the public, but since she hasn't come home, her parents are asking for any help in the whereabouts of their daughter. She is one of the many-"

"Dad you really shouldn't be watching this. It's bad for your health." I reached over for the remote, but my father quickly swipes it out of my reach. My eyes are wide and I can't help that my mouth falls open. He's never snatched the remote away from me before. He hasn't even lifted a finger to change the channel in months.

"As a father it is my duty to watch the news even if it..." He broke off not knowing how to explain, but of course, he didn't have to. I knew exactly what he meant. Now I know I'm about to start catching flies because hasn't said a word to me in years, his voice is gravely and I'm just shocked as all hell. A simple "hi" here or there, but this is the most he's ever said in seven years. And as weird as it feels, it's like he never stopped talking. His voice is exactly how I remember it and it's like the house sighs in relief, finally having his voice back.

But believe me when I say that he wasn't always non-existant. There was a time when he was the sun in this god-forsaken town. In other words he always had a smile on his face. Nothing ever got him down, but one day that all changed. I mean obviously it had to since he never talks, hell he never even leaves the house. I grew up learning that our past experiences help us grow, but sometimes the past can hold us back too or at least that's what I've learned from my father. Maybe he'd feel better moving on if our town wasn't so small and everyone didn't know what happened. It's hard when your private life is known by everyone even those you despise. It gives them the firepower to hurt us even more. Bottom line, it SUCKS! I never hated who I was until now. Every day is just another day I have to keep fighting. Another day I have to decide if it's all worth it. But now's not the time or place for any of that.

Kim Anderson is just one of the many girls that are posted at the local Wal-Mart on a wall right by the entrance. Wal-Mart is practically our only store. The closest mall or civilization in other words is an hour away. The reason why I have no social life. Well, that's the reason I made up anyway. Kim was conveniently posted next to my mother. Who in their right mind would do that? I understand my mother was the first, but you don't need to go making it obvious to the world, op too late. Bakers Field is already famous. No one wants to come here, not with the risk of disappearing. You'd think these signs would have an expiration date, but no, they keep her up there just to piss me off. Ok, that's probably not it, but it sure feels that way. I already get enough of the social awkwardness at home; I don't need it everywhere else too. Once another girl goes missing, their families always make a big deal of trying to connect with my father and I. He takes it a lot better than I do, he at least smiles when they bring over cobbler. I just hate how they think it will make up for all the judgment they gave us. Hell no! In your dreams people, in your dreams.

For the longest time they were convinced that my mother just ran out on us when it was clear that the evidence led to a greater mystery. If she was going to leave, you'd think she would have taken her shit instead of leaving it for my father and I to deal with.

The first year I was obsessed. Straight up never-sleeping-going-out-of-my-mind-becoming-a-wild-detective kind of obsessed. I would stay up all night researching missing girls in other parts of the country and believe me when I said that I found a lot. I would try to make connections even when there wasn't any. I learned a lot about the law that year. Mainly because I kept breaking every rule our town had. They just didn't understand or maybe they did and they didn't know how else to deal with me. I think one day they became fed up, because they closed her case, declaring her as a runaway. The last thing they wanted was for everyone to think there was some psychotic killer on the loose. This town isn't that big, so there are a lot of trust issues now. No one is normal anymore.

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