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"Why don't you just tell him, man?" Chris asked, sitting on the stool across from Josh. He had a beer in his hand, half empty. He was getting tired, his eyes drooping. They were heavy and he tried to keep his eyes open, but every so often his eyes would close without him realizing it. Chris needed to stay awake to help Josh with his confession to (Y/N). The chair swiveled slightly as he sat on it, and he almost fell off, but he regained his balance. He leaned his elbows onto the counter, taking a sip of his beer, waiting for Josh to reply.

Josh sighed, standing up. He ran his fingers through his hair, a nervous tick he had. "Because..." Josh breathed out, but was unable to say anymore. His heart felt as thought it was lodged in his throat. His fingers shook, his anxiety getting the best of him. "What if he doesn't like me back? I'll look so stupid..." Josh admitted, sitting back on the stool, looking back at Chris. Josh knitted his fingers together, holding his own hand.

Chris clicked his tongue at him. "Listen man, just go for it! You'll never know unless you try." Chris told him. Josh looked down, nodding to himself. Chris sighed. "Just drink a beer or two, you know? To loosen up." Chris noticed how strange Josh was acting. He looked like a statue and Chris knew (Y/N) would find it weird for Josh to ask him out like this.

"Okay, okay." Josh agreed, standing back up. He made his way to the fridge where he found a few bottles of beer. Chris asked Josh to grab one for him as well, so Josh brought two out. He set one down next to the one Chris was finishing, and sat back in his stool, opening the bottle and taking a sip. Josh liked alcohol, but he didn't like the taste or smell. He liked how fuzzy it made things, how simple it made the world around him. But he couldn't complain, as he had often out drank his friends. He began to drink, looking at the clock, and waiting for (Y/N) to appear.

Beth entered the room and noticed Josh. "I thought you were gonna ask him out?" She said, leaning onto the counter, next to Josh. Her beanie was falling off, so she moved it back into place. She didn't like when Josh would drink, but she knew why he did. He was depressed. She knew when Hannah and her had confronted their parents. Josh regularly visited a therapist, Dr. Alan Hill, and his mood was becoming better. His drinking problem was improving as well.

"You know, too? How?" Josh asked, and when Beth pointed at Chris, he shot his head over there, ready to yell at Chris. But Chris had drank enough, having passed out on the counter. The beer in his hand was empty, and he didn't touch the one Josh had brought for him. Josh finished his own bottle, and grabbed the one Chris didn't drink, and began to drink his next bottle.

"Are you really doing this?" Beth asked, referring to Josh chickening out. When Josh didn't respond, she groaned, reaching forward and shaking Josh's shoulders. "Ask him out! You're a close friend of his, why wouldn't he like you?" She questioned Josh, unsure of why he was so nervous. (Y/N) and Josh were rarely apart, and sometimes flirtatious. 

"Because he's a guy?" Josh said, and when Beth stayed quiet, he spoke up again. "You know? What if he isn't gay? What if he doesn't like guys? Then he might not want to talk to me anymore." Josh said, chugging down the bottle. He slammed it onto the counter, wiping his lips. He got up and brought two more bottles, and started drinking. Beth didn't mention his drinking, however, too caught up in the task ahead.

"You'll have to take the risk, Josh. I'll bring him in here, okay? Just wait a moment." Beth turned and walked out of the room, calling for (Y/N). Josh nodded, although she was already gone, and drank more. 

But that was a mistake. The more he drank, the more tired he became. He finished the beers, and wanted to get more, but he was too exhausted. He sighed, leaning onto the counter and falling asleep.

"Come on, in here. Josh has something he wants to ask you." Beth told (Y/N), and led him into the room where Josh and Chris were. When Beth noticed the two both passed out, she groaned. "Ugh, he fell asleep. I'll wake him up." Beth said and (Y/N) chuckled softly. He went to the window, looking into the snow, while Beth struggled with Josh.

Connection - Josh Washington x M!Reader [Until Dawn]Where stories live. Discover now