The Forty-Two Judges, also known as Assessors of Maat, are the divine beings of the Egyptian afterlife who preside over the Hall of Truth where the great god Osiris judge the dead. The deceased has to follow the rules written on the Book of the Dead in order to enter the afterlife.
First, the deceased has to recite the Negative Confessions, the forty-two declarations of innocence. They are pronounced by the dead himself, in order to avoid being damned for specific sins that each of the 42 Judges is in charge of punishing, as each one corresponds to one of the judges.
After pleading not guilty of every confession, the heart of the deceased is weighed on a two-plate scale, comparing its weight with the weight of the feather of Maat.
If the heart and the feather weigh the same, the Judges know the deceased is saying the truth and is worthy to become a Maa Kheru and gain access to the eternal life. But, if the heart was heavier than Maat's feather, then a monster named Ammit the Devourer devoured it by destroying the soul of the deceased.
As said before, each judge represents a sin. It's also known that each judge represents one of the nomes of ancient Egypt and different parts of the land, together forming the whole ancient Egypt territory. Here I present you the list with the names and information of each one, according to the egyptologist Richard Herbet Wilkinson.
1) Far-Strider
Represents (land): Heliopolis
Punish the sin: Falsehood2) Fire-embracer
Represents (land): Kheraha (probably Old Cairo)
Punish the sin: Robbery3) Nosey
Represents (land): Hermopolis/Khemenu
Punish the sin: Rapaciousness4) Swallower of Shades
Represents (land): The Cavern
Punish the sin: Stealing5) Dangerous One
Represents (land): Rosetau (Giza Plateau)
Punish the sin: Murder6) Double Lion
Represents (land): The Sky
Punish the sin: Destruction of Food (a/n: i didn't know this counted as a sin but totally agree lol)7) Fiery Eyes
Represents (land): Letopolis/Sekhem
Punish the sin: Crookedness8) Flame
Represents (land): The One Who Come Backwards
Punish the sin: Stealing Offerings
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