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Aeneas is the mythological hero of both Rome and Troy. Homer mentions of him in the Illiad as the first cousin of King Priam and Troy. As a Roman hero, Virgil in his Aeneid calls him the ancestor of Romulus1 and Remus.

Virgil's Aeneid tells that Aeneas was one among the few Trojans that were neither killed nor enslaved after the Troy was defeated. After gathering a group and being commanded by Gods to flee, he travelled to Italy to become the progenitor of Romans. The team was called the Aeneads. He carried with him the statues of Trojan Gods and planted them in Italy.

They wandered for six years and finally made a landfall at Carthage. Here Aeneas and the queen of Carthage had a year-long love affair after which Carthage proposed to him to marry her so that they both can together reign the Trojans and the Carthaginians. Venus (Roman version of Aphrodite), the mother of Aeneas with the help of Jupiter made Aeneas realise his true motifs which made him leave the place secretly.

The pain of his leaving made Dido utter a curse of enmity over Rome. Afterwards, she stabbed herself with the sword that she had given to Aeneas during their first meeting.

The Aeneads then came back to Sicily. Aeneas, to honour his father who had expired a year ago, arranged funeral games. Later he descended to the underworld. Here he met his father and Dido and learnt about the future of his successor, in other words, the Roman history. He made his final settlement in Latium.

This story about the ancestry of Romans through Trojans via Aeneas and the lands that he founded was received with high respect by the historians.

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