Hope (Shintarou x reader) Part 1

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This is inspired by  vavril. I don't have the 16th book so I'm not adding Shao Long.


They were flying in a jet to a safe country. The princes and princesses had a chat with each other while Gion and Livio kept their distance. Shintarou really sat far away from the others. While the others are sitting on a chair and had a table, he was the only one who sat on the floor next to the window, even if there was a seat for him.

They were attacked by terrorists. "Usually, a certain SOMEONE  would be so eager to say such mean words to us but why is he so quiet?" Ciel said loudly on purpose. Felix agreed with him. Shintarou kept quiet. He leaned his left side of his body on the wall and rested his head on the window, watching the sceanery. He hugged his knees as tears started forming in his eyes.

"Hey, that's enough , you two!" Junta said, defending his brother. 

"He has suffered quite enough." Gion said suddenly. Livio nodded.

"(y/n)!!! NO!!!"  

Shintarou ran to you asa you fell down to the grouund, blood slowly spilling out of your body. he carefully picked you up and rested you in his arms while sitting down. You were gasping for air. "(y/n)!! D-Don't sleep, stay awake!! C-C'mon, lets get you somewhere safe!" You shook your head.

"No, Shintarou..." You gasped for air. "My time is up..." You started coughing. He gave you a worried look. Tears started forming in his eyes. "(y/n), don't go... You are my first human friend a-and, i can't possibly let you go! I lost Pepper and Mr. Honda but I-i can't loose you!!" he took a deep breath. "I still love you..."

"I l-love you t-too..." you gasped for air. "My biggest regret is that... I can't... Be with... You... I'm sorry, love..." you tried reaching to his cheeks but halfway through, you took your last breath and... ... ...

"N-no!! No no no no!!! (y/n)!!! NOOOO!!!" He sobbed.  "Don't go... N-Not like this..."

End of flashback

"Excuse me? Your highness?" 

Shintarou turned slowly. A doctor working at the jet was there. He smiled. "I need you to come with me." 

He got up hesitantly and followed the docter to the room where you were placed for a 'burial' that was originally planned. Are you still alive? He doesn't know. But he hope you are.


SO UHHHHHHHHH. I'll do this later i guess. Bye friends!

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