Happier (Shintarou x Leon x Felix)

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Request by _Baekery

I'm sorry if this isn't what you expected.


Shintarou watched Felix and Leon. Yes, those two are dating. Right now, all the princes are in the meeting room. He felt jealousy and anger at the same time. Why did he choose Felix? That question roamed in his head.

Ever since the incident at the electrical room he has devolped feelings for Leon. Just when he was about to confess, he saw Leon and Felix kissing. Ever since that day, he locks himself in his room everyday after class. He didn't attend class most of the time! Not like anyone cared...

(Night time)

He put the pen on the table. He stared at the paper for a while. He sighed. He had shut down his robots. He folded the paper and put it in an envelope  and wrote:

To: Leon

From: Shintarou

He put it on his bed and grabbed his jacket and left the room. He stepped foot outside when Livio called him. "Prince Shintarou?" Shintarou stopped cold. "Where are you going? You do know it's past our curfew."

"...Where I go... Does not concern you..." he turned and left. Just when the door shut, Livio ran for Gion. He knew something was wrong.


Shintarou was at the rooftop, ready to kill himself. Voices filled his head.

'He doesn't love you.'

'It's what you could do.'

"It's the right thing to do.'


Shintarou closed his eyes and leaned foward. He fell down and hit the ground. Blood splattered everywhere. Livio and Gion burst to the door at the rooftop. 

"Where is he?!" Gion said, looking around in panicked expressions.

"Oh no... We're to late..." Livio said, already looking down at the edge. Gion rushed to him. He gasped and covered his mouth.


"Your highness, I believe this letter is for you, from the late Prince Shintarou." a police officer said. Leon nodded and took it. he opened it and read it. Felix wanted to see it but he doesn't allow that. He pouted at him. Leon just continued reading.

I love you. There, I said it. But you are with Felix. I don't mind. I'm just... Jealous... I was going to confess when I saw you two kissed. I wanted to hurt Felix but that would make you hurt... But I guess you're happier with him that me. Final goodbye... Arigato, Leon... For giving me feelings i never had...

Love, Shintarou...


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