Night's Kiss (Gion x Shy!Reader)

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Requested by Kawaiimaidtreatcafe

I'm sorry it's late. I suck at this...


You are a very shy and quiet person. You are the youngest sister of the Hibino family. On a visit to Momos Academy with the princesses, you went to the south(amiright?) dorm instead of following the others. Even your movements are quiet. The princesses doesn't notice you were gone. If you are, they would go on a crazy search for you. To them, you are their baby.

When you reached you destination, you knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal Livio. "Princess (y/n)! How are you?" He greeted you. "I-I'm fine... Thanks..." you are surprisingly very close to them, despite your shyness. Your oldest brother, Shintarou can be VERY protective of you. Though, no one knows this.

You both got in. He invited you to sit down on the couch while he calls for Gion and Shintarou. When he left, you scanned the room. 'Not bad...' you thought. A few moments later, Gion and Livio walked to the couch while Shintarou kinda ran to you and sat on the arm rest.

"How are you, (y/n)? Did anyone hurt you?" he asked in Japanese.

"I-I'm fine... Don't worry, big brother..." you replied back in Japanese.

"Do you like Princess (y/n)?" Livio asked in Italian.

"What?! Stop talking nonsense!!" Gion said in Italian, blushing. Livio smirked.

'This is going to be interesting...'

(Le Time Skip)

"Hey, I-I just realized... Where's (y/n)?!" Gina said. The other princesses gasped, then started to panic. The princes exchanged looks.

"Don't mind me asking... Who is (y/n)?" Alex asked politely.

"(y/n) is Shintarou's and Junta's youngest sister. She is very shy and sensitive." the Korean princess said.

"Wow, I didn't know they had a sister." Ciel said.

"I wonder what she looks like..." Felix said.

"Let's go to the south dorm." Albert suggested.



You turned around. It was Gion. You blushed. You didn't say anything. He smiled. He got closer to you. You blushed more. He was just a few inches near you face...!

"Ti amo, (y/n)..."

He kissed you. Your face is as red as a tomato. You closed your eyes and kissed him back.

Gaah, if only it would last just a teeny weeny longer...


You both quickly pulled and looked to where it came from. You both were a blushing mess. EVERYONE was there!! Ciel even took a picture.



"Speak nothing about this..." Gion said. He left the room and you followed him. The next day, the picture you and Gion kissing went viral. You both got in a relationship. It's not a secret anyways. His fangirls will surely try to kill you. But on how to stop them? ;) A little kiss in the public will do...

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