You do care... (Gion x Reader)

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You were in the school's medical room. You had a broken left arm and a cracked head. You woke up and saw Gion asleep next to you on a chair, leaning his head against the wall. You hear a soft snore. You blushed faintly.

"He spent all day taking care of you, Princess (y/n)." Livio said, giving you a concerned look. You looked at Gion then back at him. "H-He did...? While I was unconsious?" you asked. He giggled and nodded.

"I'll be outside."

You nodded. The door shut. You heard a groan. You looked up to see Gion rubbing his eyes. "Ugh... What time is it...?" he asked himself, not expecting any answer.

"It's time for you to get a watch." you giggled. He looked at you and gasped. 

"(Y/N)!! You're awake! H-How are you feeling?" Gion said,  rushing to your side. You giggled. "I'm fine, don't worry. Thanks for the concern."

"I'm sorry about earlier. I couldn't stop Felix and Shintarou from fighting... When you got hit on the head and... Arm... They stopped fighting and the princes and princesses rushed you to the medical room. I think they left an hour ago..." Gion explanied. 

When Felix and Shintarou were fighting, Felix was going to punch Shintarou when you got it the way and he accidentally hit your arm. You fell back and hit your head on the wall. 

"I'm fine, see! I juat have a cracked skull and a broken arm-" you started coughing. After you stopped, Gion Handed you the glass of water. 

"All you need is alot of rest, (y/n)... i hope you get well soon." he said, giving you a concerned look and rests his head on his hand.

"Aww, you DO care!" You giggled. Gion blushed. "No! I don't care about you, I just... ... I'm just worried..." Livio leaned on the wall, hearing the conversation. He smiled, knowing you somehow had changed Gion.


I got inspired by Eeveelution squad comic by PKM-150 on deviant art. This was originally supposed to be a Gion x Livio but it doesn't really suit how Livio acts so I replaced him with the reader. Requests are still opened, though!!

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