Chapter Four: Restaurant Party

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We all sat at separate tables. The whole place was rented out by the two soccer teams. I looked around the room, seeing my friends all around. I looked around at the tables, Hugh, Chris, Casper, and some other guys at one table. On the other side was the sidemen, Josh, Manny, Ethan, Harry, and Simon were all at the same table. He laughed at something Ethan said, the whole table laughed like he said the funniest thing they've ever heard. But all I could focus on was Simon. I don't know why, he was so nice to me. "Earth to Y/N!?" I snap back to Marcus, oh my gosh how long was he saying my name. Crap crap what can I say. "Who you staring at!?" "N-No one!?" I felt embarrassed, making me remember how I felt on the field, "Sorry my head hurts...." And that wasn't a lie. I still felt a little dizzy and queasy. I didn't feel much better, but this was an opportunity of a life time. I was never good with blood, even looking at it made me feel sick, let alone be the one bleeding. The room felt hot, but just staring at Simon gave me goosebumps. He sighs and places his hand on my shoulder, "You sure you're fine?" Everyone was so kind to me, they all took me under their wing, even though I was a girl. They made me feel like one of the guys, but at the same time protected me like I was their little sister. I could never ask for better. "Of course. Anyway, how could I want to miss this." I waved my arms at everything, "This is the best time i've had in a long time." He gives me a shy smile, "P-Perfect." Once everyone was seated, we all ordered. Everyone was getting such big meals, I messed with my hands nervously, but under the table so people couldn't see. I wasn't hungry at all, especially after what happened. But I just didn't want to be the only one who didn't eat!? "Ma'am?" Oh my gosh you're the only ma'am here!? She's talking to you!? Don't just sit there!? Do something!? "S-Sorry! I'll have u-um...a water and the house salad please!" She nods and finishes the rest of the boys. Joe gave me a worried look, I gave him a reassuring smile. He gives one back, but it didn't seem as genuine. After 10 or so minutes of talking, we got served. Everyone dug in, the restaurant was almost completely quiet. I picked around at my salad with my fork, twirling it nervously. I took a small bite, already regretting it. I had a really bad gag reflex, if I puke, i'm out for at least a day. I swallowed quickly and took a deep breath, suck it up come on!? Just a little bit of blood right!? I rubbed my eyes feeling tired. Everything looked a little hazy. I looked around the room, focusing on the table, it was still. My vision focused in and out. You're fine Y/N. Everyone finished eating their meal, but I pretty much had a whole salad left. "Not hungry?" Asked someone...I couldn't tell who. "N-No..." Everyone stood up and grabbed their plates, as I was about to stand Marcus grabbed my plate and winked at me with a grin, "I got it." And walks off before I can say anymore. Now was the time just to chill and have fun. They played music and had a dance floor and everything!? Even a dj. No one really needed all this stuff, but the area wanted to make us feel popular. Do we count as celebrates? I never thought of myself as one...both teams seemed to mesh. Everyone talked to everyone. I had no idea where Marcus or Simon were. I sat at the table, fiddling with my hands nervously. I didn't know what to do. I felt dizzy and hot and cold. The bright lights hurt my eyes. At the hotel I only had the lamp on, it made it feel somewhat better. "Hey?" I looked up to see Simon, sitting in the chair. When the heck did he get there!? Suddenly my heart started pounding fast, I wanted to talk to him so bad, but what if I do something dumb!? What if I pass out!? My mouth opened, but nothing came out. Oh Y/N please don't freeze. Not now. "Y-You okay?" "Y-Y" Oh no please don't do this. "Yeah." He sighs, one that was so genuine. "Your hands are shaking...." I scrunched my eyebrows, looking down. He was right. I grabbed my hand with the other one, making it stop. Oh my gosh i'm such an embarrassment. I felt tears fill my eyes, why did I think I could hang out with these such amazing creators. They were all so much better then me, so much better at soccer, so much better at youtube, at everything! Why did I ever think I could do this. "Y/N? Can you hear me?" I could hear the panic in his voice. He was talking!? He started looking really fuzzy. "I think you need to see a doctor..." My eyes opened wide, I couldn't ruin his night. He already helped me so much, anyway i'm fine...right? "N-No! You can't do that! It's okay!" I know I was lying. "Do you want to go into the bathroom? Take a minute?" I nodded. He guided me to the bathroom, keeping a hand on my arm. I really tried not to use his arm, but I couldn't help it. The bathroom was luckily unisex. I don't think i've ever seen a unisex bathroom, but I decided not to question it. He walked me carefully to the sink. I put my hands on the sink, holding myself up. I pressed my head against the mirror. "Y/N you look really pale...we need to get you to a doctor...we should of brought you in the first place." I lifted my head from the mirror and looked at it, looked at my own reflection. My makeup was a little messed up, a couple tears rolled down my face. I felt so helpless. The image of me kept blurring and re-blurring. "I'm fine..." I look in the background of the mirror, I can see Simons blond hair, and a sad look in his eyes. I focused on that, I didn't want to focus on myself. My...disturbing self. I suddenly lost my grip on the sink, pretty much falling to the ground, he quickly grabbed me before I fell. "Nope nope nope." He whispered under his breath nervously. He pressed me against the wall, my knees were up to my chest. He rested me in the corner, so I didn't really have to hold myself up. "I'm going to go get help Y/N." I didn't answer, I couldn't. "I-I." "Please don't close your eyes, okay?" I almost nodded, but I knew that would hurt. I mouthed 'okay'. I really didn't want him to do this. His image exited the bathroom, like stop motion pictures.

Simon's POV

How could I be so stupid to not let her go to the hospital. How could the medics say she was fine!? She was bleeding a ton, and she's obviously still hurt. I ran up to JJ, Vikk, and Tobi. "Guys I need help!" I said urgently. They could tell it was nothing good, their smiles slowly faded. I rushed them into the bathroom. I swung open the door, to see her in the same position. She looked distant, but she was awake. JJ quickly grabs his phone and dials 999. Me, Vikk and Tobi fall to the ground by her side. I wanted to shake at her, yell at her to see if she was okay. I wanted to cry, why did I want to cry. I held the tears back. "Y/N!?" Tobi said nervously. He obviously didn't know what to do. Vikk started studying her. He obviously didn't know what he was doing either, but he was a little more calm. "Tobi, go get people to see if they can help. But we don't want everyone crowding into this bathroom. Only someone who can help." He nods and runs off. I had no idea who we could possibly get help from. JJ was now on the ground next to us, giving information. "What's her last name?" "L/N" I said quickly, remembering when the announcer called us two. He starts giving our location, and information about what has happened to her. Finally Josh and Tobi come into the room, Josh holds a cup of water. He squeezes his way into the little circle around us. "Take a sip of this." He says gently. He looks at us, "Marcus said that she didn't drink any water from her glass the whole supper." She barely drinks the water. She seemed to become aware of what was happening, then hearing nothing. "Good..." Josh said quietly as she took the tiniest sip i've ever seen. At least it was more progress then we had before. Her body shook gently. Suddenly the door bursted open. The doctors. grabbed her gently and pulled her up from the ground. She walked a little bit with them, at times almost walking by her self, and others them pretty much dragging her, like her legs just stopped. I followed after them, but someone grabbed my shoulder, stopping me. "Want me to come with?" It was Josh. I could tell by his voice, even after the noise from everyone else. I nodded, "Yeah..." They loaded her into the ambulance and drove off. I hopped into the passengers seat, and Josh took the wheel. He drove off slowly, then picking up speed. I looked out the window, into the dark, dark world. I was pretty certain she was going to be fine, but I could just hear those, "What if's?". I watched as the lights zoom by, as we drove into the darkness.

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