Chapter Twenty Five: Hangover

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I groaned as I rolled over, refusing to open my eyes. My head felt like someone was drilling a hole into it, and my stomach felt terrible. I clenched it, wrapping my hand around it as I groaned more. Suddenly I felt a cool hand on my back, sending shivers all down my back, I wanted to open my eyes to see who it was, but I couldn't. "A-Are you alright...?" I tried focusing on the voice, it was Simon. I nodded my head, but it only made everything hurt worse. After a moment, I finally was able to get out words, "What happened..." I mumbled as I squinted, only the shades were open, and it felt like it was way to bright in here. I rolled to my other side so I'd be looking at him. Squinting I could see his blue eyes shimmering, they were gorgeous, "I well..." He messed with his hands nervously, looking down at them. I went to sit up, but it made everything spin. He quickly put his hands on my shoulders, "Y-You might not want to do that.." He said as he laid me back down on the pillows. His hands were freezing. Looking down I realized I was still in my dress. "You didn't really...change." I felt my eyes widened as I realized what happened, "Oh my gosh...don't tell me I-" I didn't even have to continue, his look said it all, "How wasted did I get!?" I rubbed my temples with my fingers, trying to get the pain to go away. His eyes fixate on a spot on the ground, "Very.." "W-What did I do!?" I saw his lip quiver, "I-I don't really went with Emily and Freya. I'm not sure what happened at the bar, they had a lot to drink to..their just more used to it...I don't think they realized you don't drink that much." Looking at her I could see her face grow with worry, "Oh my gosh, please tell me I didn't do anything stupid...what happened when I got home?" He bit his lip, trying to think of what to say, "Simon, just tell me what happened." He sighs, "Well you and Emily came in stumbling. So I carried you to bed...then you puked, and fell right asleep." Looking at him closer, I could see bags under his eyes, " long have you been up?" He gives a tired laugh, "Not to long." I stared at him hard, "Simonnnn!" He rolls his eyes, "Okay maybe I didn't sleep at all last night, but you never leave a drunk person." I bit my lip, he cared enough to stay with me all night to just make sure I was okay? "Thanks Simon, but you really didn't need to do that..." I covered the blanket over my face, curling my legs up to my chest, it felt like my stomach was going to explode. But I was mostly hiding because my face was lit up from embarrassment, how could I let it get so far? "Awe come on Y/NNNN!" He pulled at the blanket, but I held it down, I could hear him sigh, "I'm sure it wasn't that bad." I felt my eyes water, but I didn't want to cry, I sniffled as I held the blankets closer. I felt like I've just been screwing up everything with Simon. "Y/N...." He said with his voice cracking, "Please come out from under the blanket." I lifted it so just my eyes were peaking out, his face was swelled with concern, "Simon I'm just hung can go to sleep now." He shakes his head, "And leave you! No thanks." He brushes a strand of hair away from my face, his cheeks tinted. I felt like I could puke my guts out, but I didn't want to ruin this moment. I looked hard at the ground, at the bucket. His eyes followed my gazed, realizing what I was looking at. He quickly grabs it, placing it in front of me, "Just in case." He then reaches over, grabbing a bottle of water, "You should take small sips of this, it'll help." I did as I was told, once I was done, he set the bottle down. I watched his eyes, they fluttered as he stared down into mine. He was totally exhausted, "Can you please go to sleep now....?" He sniggered, shaking his head, "I'm fine, I pull all-nighters all the time. Anything you need?" "N-No, I'm fine. I shivered, pulling the blankets closer, "How do people like to get drunkkkkk." I groaned, pulling my legs even closer to my chest. He shakes his head, "Well did you have a good time?" She rolls her eyes, "I'm not sure, I don't remember it!" He pulls out his phone, "Really?" He pulls up twitter, where there is a picture of me, Freya and Emily. I was on the end, holding the phone. We were all smiling, but clearly drunk as we held our drinks. My eyes were shut for the photo, Freya's hair was a mess and snarly, while Emily's drink was being held up upside down, you could see a tiny bit of her drink spilling out. My eyes went wide as I stared at it, then I saw the caption. "Date night with my galssssss!" "What have I done!?" I went to grab it to look closer, but he pulled it back, "I need to delete it!" I said quickly, but he shook his head, "There's no point, it's all over the internet now. Freya and Emily actually posted the same photo to!" I rolled my eyes, "You gotta be kidding." He shows me the same exact photo on their twitter to. "Ughhhh can I just roll over and dieeeee!" I turned to the other side away from him. "Oh come on, I have some pretty bad drunk photos too. And videos. Drunk videos were the worst." I smiled slightly, "So is that why you keep doing them?" I said turning my head. I couldn't see him smile, but I already knew he did, "Exactly why! It's okay to drink once in awhile. Just not to much." I turn back to him, "To much like I did?" He shrugs, "At least you now know your limit..."

Simon's POV

There was no way I was letting her go out and drink by herself again. I know it wasn't common, and she's even told me stories about her friends back at home getting to drunk, but she would never really drink. I knew it wasn't common, so I couldn't help but wonder why she was. I don't really care about getting drunk, getting a little wasted, once in awhile you kinda need it. It numbs the pain a little. "Simon!?" I shook my head, "H-Huh what?" She looks up at me sadly, "Go to sleep Simon." Truth was I literally could feel my eyes roll in the back of my head, but I refused. I slouched back in my chair, "Nope, I refuse, now rest up." Sighing she closed her eyes, trying to fall asleep. I grabbed my phone, looking back at her post. Everyone was talking about how drunk she was, there was a lot of mean things...pretty much saying she needed to drink to forget about all the terrible things she has done in her life. I wish I could do something, I was scared if I got involved it would mess up things. I rubbed my eyes, trying to keep them open. I wanted to do something special for her..I thought about the ring I got her, I kept it in a box in my room. I wanted to be her boyfriend...I wanted her to be mine, I wanted to be hers. I don't know if she would want to, but I had to try. I had too.

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