Chapter Thirty Five: Shhhhhhh

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(Author here! I just wanted to say my timeline is pretty messed up to real events, but I'm trying to implement some things that are happening in his real life into my story and interrupting them in my own way. So I'm sorry that things are happening sooner or later than they are supposed to, but I'm trying to use some real situations while making my own. So thank you! <3)


I was sitting on the edge of Simon's bed, scrolling through tweets. The messages were still coming through. Some of them were nice, extremely nice. I smiled as I read one that said to ignore them, saying just do what I love, but not everyone understands that, just doing what makes you happy. Simon shifted in his bed, making me look at him, he yawned, I think opening his eyes, it was hard to see. "Simon? Are you awake?" I questioned in the softest voice. He let out a groan in pain. "S-Si?" I quickly rushed to the side of the bed, where he quickly grabbed my hand, squeezing it in pain, "I-I'm fine." He seethed through his teeth. I heard Josh come in the room, he sat beside me. "The doctor said if he does sleep right after, when he wakes up it'll be pretty painful, sense it goes to just a little bit of stinging to a lot of pain, but he should get used to it in a couple of minutes." Simon was squinting his eyes shut, taking big breathes. He was...scared. "S-Simon just'll be fine in a minute....just calm down." He squeezes his eyes a little less, slowing down his breaths, but still seemed to be in a lot of pain. Josh gave me a sorry look. I knew he was gonna be in a lot of pain for a couple of days, but it will be worth'll be worth it. He grabbed the glasses on his bedside, putting them on his face. "On the bright side, you get to relax in bed all day!" He laughed, but it was obviously stressed. Simon grabs his phone, making me stop as I saw his background photo, it was a photo of us, I almost forgot we took that photo. It was on top of the rooftop, it was us kissing. "Aweeeeee" Says Josh as he unlocks his phone, even through the dark, I knew Josh saw my cheeks were lit right up. "How about some podcast? You've been saying you've been wanting to listen to some." "S-Sure." Simon says softly. Josh puts on a podcast, and gets it ready. He hands me the phone, "Here you go. Let me know if you need anything." He says as he puts his hand on my shoulder. Me and Josh don't talk as much as I liked, but he really was a good person to talk to. Josh heads out of the room, leaving just me and Simon. "Are you going to be alight?" I didn't want to leave him, but I had videos to edit. I'm pretty behind. "Y-Yeah, thanks." I stood up, still holding his hand, longing to just cuddle him, to be in his arms, to kiss his lips and feel him. But that would have to wait. "Don't hesitate to yell if you need me..." I said my voice traveling on. I was pretty worried for him. He was pretty tense. I ran my hand up his arm, feeling his veins pop out. The boys teased him about it all the time, but hey, it most likely meant he was fit. He smiled, "I'll be fine Y/N. Seriously! Go do your work." I smiled, going back to his hand and squeezing it gently. He was clearly in a lot of pain, looking at him like this make me incredibly sad. I headed out of the door, as I was closing it, I heard him let out a groan of pain. I bit my lip, at his door. I could hear the podcast playing softly. I left his door a crack open, promising to myself I'd check in often.

-Timeskip to later in the day-


I was in the kitchen, making Simon a salad, "What do you think Simon wants in his salad?" I asked Josh as I was preparing it. He quickly comes over, dumping a bunch of things in it. "Geez, you just know everything he wants?" He just shrugs, "We make food together a lot." I shrugged, copying him as I grabbed the bowl. "That's adorable. I ship it." I say smiling as I grab a crisp from his bowl, munching on it extra loud. "You and Freya both." "Shipping?" Freya says bouncing in, slinging her arm around my waist, squeezing me in for a hug. I giggled, leaning into it. "What's with the salad?" She questions, "We all know that's only a Simon salad!" I cocked my head back in surprise, "What!? What the heck is with you people in salads!? Why do you know it's his!" "Salad?" Says JJ as he walks in, scoffing, "Only a real man puts baby carrots in his salad." He picks one out of the salad, "I take that back, Simon isn't a real man. He's more of a women at this point." I groaned out, "Oh come on! This is a totally normal salad! Why does everyone know it's his! I-I ya know what? I'm just gonna, walk away." I backed out of the room as I spoke, weirded out. I could hear them laughing. I hummed some lyrics, I was in good mood from a couple of nights ago, lying in this same same room, our clothes on the rug. I hadn't told Simon yet, but I didn't exactly know how to have sex...I mean I had a general idea! But, wasn't my thing. I wasn't waiting for marriage, but I wanted it to be the right guy, last time it almost happened...and it was scary. I skipped up the stairs, heading for his room. I heard that his podcast was off. I heard him on the inside, making me stop. His door was now closed. I set down his food, pressing my ear to the door, I could hear him shifting in his bed, once he stopped moving, he let out a groan, in obvious pain. I felt a spike go through my heart as I stood there frozen. I could hear him let out almost a whimper, making tears fill my eyes, seeing him like this pained me. I suddenly felt a cool hand on my back, I immediately jumped back, taking surprised. I calmed as I saw Freya looking at me sadly. She pressed her hear against the door, hearing Simon. She pouts her lips, crossing her arms, "Awe Y/N. It'll be alright, he should start feeling better in a couple of days..." I sighed, "I know, but it really sucks seeing him like this, especially when I convinced him this was the right thing to do." I quickly wrapped my arms around her, holding her as tight as possible. I'd never imagine I'd have these feelings for Simon that day I stepped on the pitch. When he held out his hand to introduce himself, looking down at me. "I'm Simon..." I muttered under my breath. "What was that?" She questioned as she stepped away from the hug, "N-Nothing.." I said slightly embarrassed. Smiling slightly, I picked up his food and headed into the room, she gently closed the door behind me. As soon as I came in, he immediately stopped groaning, sitting still. "Y/N? I-Is that you?" His voice sounded groggy as I sat the plate next to him. "I figured you might be hungry, are you?" He mutters a yes, I grab his pillow, placing it up on his backboard. I grabbed his shoulder, helping him up, "Y-Y/N I'm alright, really." But I helped him up anyways. He stared at me, his eyes flickering back and forth. The room was extremely dark, I could barely see him, but as my eyes adjusted, I could see the veins popping out of his face, and the tired, strained eyes he gave at me. "I-I really wish I could see you...." I touched my hand to his cheek gently, my hand was shaking slightly as I did so. "I-I'm right here..." I pulled away, before I'd get to upset, "Now, here comes the airplaneeeeee" I said in a stupid voice as I twirled his fork around, zooming it right into his mouth. He ate a couple of pieces before seeming standoffish, like he was done. "Oh come on, is my little baby not hungry??" He chuckled softly, "No...I'm a little thirsty." "Oh crap! I forgot a drink I'm so sorry, I-I'll go get it now!" I was about to run off when he said, "No, thirsty for something else..." I felt my face blush, wanting to kiss him, I took a deep breath, "I-I'm going to go get you water you weirdo..." I walked off, but he yelled wait, "What?" I questioned. He laughed, "Bring me some red bull." I rolled my eyes, "I'M GETTING YOU WATER!" I yelled as I was already out of his room, heading down the stairs straight for the fridge.

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