Chapter Thirty Six: Getting Better

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Quick Author note! I'm super sorry I haven't posted, and these chapters are old, but it is about time that I finish this story. I have been so focused on my new one and a bunch of school work I have not got around to it. But here it is! Hope you enjoy. It should be consistant till the end. Thank you! <3


I slid down the side of Simon's door, on the outside of his room. I tucked my legs to my chest, burying my hands in my face. I could feel my face stained with tears as I sat their numb. I could hear quiet sobs of Simon, and him shuffling in his bed. My phone sat beside me as a buzz went off, it was 23:17. I picked up my phone, about to chuck it across the room when I saw a text message from Freya.


I giggled as I read her text, I guess Josh took my advice.

Y/N: HAVE FUN AHHHHH! You better text me all about it. Love youuuuuu!

I sighed, chucking my phone aside, I really wanted Simon to get some sleep soon...he hadn't sleep sense first arriving home from his surgery, which was only this morning, but he should be sleeping a lot.


03:34. I was still sitting against his door, he was clearly awake. He had a podcast playing, but I could hear him let out a groan in pain sometimes. I sat there with my leg bouncing up and down, I couldn't take it anymore...him just lying there in pain. I was scared to go talk to him, I didn't want to make it worst, but I couldn't just sit here. I quietly opened the door and shutting it without him noticing. I tiptoed in and went to the side of his bed, he didn't even seemed to realize. As my eyes adjusted, I could see his blankets on the floor, Simon's legs were up and his hands were over his face, mostly on his forehead. He let out a wince and I could see a tear fall from his eye, even in the dark, making some form into my eyes. I couldn't take it seeing him like this. I walked around to the other side of his bed. He was breathing shakily. I climbed into bed, making him stop, "H-Hello? Y/N?" He questions lightly. I grabbed the blankets on the floor, putting them at the end of his bed. I wrap my arms around his waist, he was sweating, but completely shaking like he was freezing. My arms were around his bare chest, making my face light up. I snuggled up to his back, not being able to hold back the tears anymore where they came out softly. He quickly flips around, "Y-Y/N...? What's wrong...?" He whispers groggily. His voice was the tiniest bit deeper than normal. I shook my head, nussling into him, "I just hate seeing you like this..." He looked confused, "H-Huh I-...oh...Y/N how long have you been listening?" Closing my eyes I said, "Shhhh.." I opened them again, putting my fingers on his forehead, massaging it gently. It always put me to sleep when I was younger, "J-Just relax, close your eyes and drift off to sleep. He takes a shaky breath and closes his eyes, after ten minutes his breaths became relaxed as his body loosened, and he was asleep. I carefully moved my arm away from his head and wrapped it around him, pulling as close in as possible. My eyes felt heavy as I drifted off to sleep with him.

Simon's POV

I woke up feeling like my eyes weighed a million pounds. I opened my eyes, my room was pretty dark, I couldn't see anything at all, I squeezed my eyes shut, feeling instant pain surround me. I went to shift when I felt a tiny figure holding onto my waist. I moved my hand, feeling it tangled up in a women's hair. Oh Y/N....I said softly remembering last night. I really didn't want her to worry about me. I tried staying as still as possible, I didn't want to wake her up. I rested my head on the pillow, trying to breath normally, the pain was unbearable. She shifts in the bed, groaning as she holds onto me closer. I opened my eyes, trying to look at her, everything was just a swirl of colors, sending throbbing pain up my eyes into my head, I jumped, squeezing them cold. I could feel the cool fingertips travel up and down my body as her hands pulled on my chain. I never really talked to her about what the jewelry meant to me, but I didn't feel like I needed too, she kinda just understood. "S-Simon are you alright....?" Her voice was gentle, probably the softest I've ever heard it, "Y-Ye-Yeah..." But even I could hear the lie laced in my voice. Her hand moved to my hand, rubbing it back and forth. Even though I couldn't see her, I knew what she was doing. Twirling the ring in her hand as she bit her lips, looking up at me with her soft, caring eyes. "D-Do you want anything?" Her voice sounded strained. "W-What time is it..." She shifts in the bed, I assumed she was checking her phone. "09:53" She mumbled, flipping back over, "You must be exhausted." She mumbles some more, running her hands through my hair. I didn't want to imagine what I looked like, especially having these weird cups over my eyes and tape all over my face. Not to mention my hair, I hoped I wasn't a mess, but I already knew deep down I was. Suddenly I felt something tender, something warm on my cheek, Y/N's lips stayed there for a moment, before she slowly backed away, I could feel her hair tickle me as she disbursed. I smiled, "W-what did I do to deserve that...." I mumbled along, as much as I wanted to, that was as exciting as I could muster up. It felt like a shocking pain exploded in the back of my eyes, I squinted them as hard as I could, clenching the sheets.

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