Chapter Eight: Better To Fight For Something, Than Live For Nothing

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-Quote by George S. Pattson-


"Give off of him!" I tried to push them off, I suddenly was grabbed by the arm and twisted on my back, the man pinning me to the ground. I struggled feeling myself weaken, "You can have the stupid pitch!" I screamed in desperation. His laugh echoed, but it was quickly cut off, Simon's body slammed into his, JJ was still buried, but he was obviously still fighting. Pain shot into the right side of my head as a girl slammed her fist into there. Everything else stopped for a moment, all I could hear was Simon, he let out a cry. He curled himself into a ball as a couple people were kicking him. Rage swarmed from my body as I threw the women off of me, I slammed my fist into her neck, hearing a snap as I did. She stumbled to the ground, breathing heavily. I searched around desperately for something to help me. I saw the guy's duffle bag sitting there, a metal pipe sticking from the top. I crawled over there and grabbed it, as soon as I did, a body slammed into mine. I thrashed, trying to get control. I swung the pipe desperately, hoping something would connect. The pipe slammed into his head, sending an echo. He stumbled off of me in shock. I crawled on my hands and knees over to Simon. "HEY!" I screamed at them. The two on Simon looked up at me, Simon turned over, groaning in pain. I swung the pipe in a circle. I did the motion for them to come at me. I glanced around quickly, hoping for something to happen. Josh was now in the car, he seemed to be fine. Josh grabbed his phone and tossed it to Vik who started to dial 911. It didn't matter, we needed to run. I think Vik knew that. They both hopped in the car, and drove as close as he could get with his car. Josh hopped out of the car, running to JJ's pit of 4 people. Suddenly the boy and the girl attacking Simon, sprung into action, lunging themselves at me. I started to sprint down the field, they were fast, extremely fast, my fast. I did track all through high school, I did it for football training, I needed to be fast on the field. These people were insane...I glanced back to see Vik helping Simon up, pretty much dragging him to the car. Simon seemed to be in the worst condition. JJ was still swinging. Three of them were on the ground, two knocked out, and the other one I injured. The two's bodies suddenly slammed into mine, sending us all tumbling. I lost control of the bar, falling hardly onto the ground. I fell to the ground with a harsh bang, sending a striking pain through-out my whole head. I could see the car driving towards me, I just realized we ran to the other side of the field. The leader had me pinned, he wrapped his hand around my throat, I gasped for breath, but nothing came. I ripped at his hand desperately, I felt weaker and weaker. The whole world went dark for a moment...I was suddenly in the air, JJ was holding me in his arms. I gasped for air as I stared at the blue sky. We hopped in the car, and Vik quickly drove off, before we even got the chance to sit down.

Simon's POV

I felt my eyes getting tired, my whole body ached. I watched as JJ buckled Y/N in, as Josh did me. They then buckled themselves. We all sat there in silence, in disbelief of what just happened. It didn't feel real, it felt like a story...a script. I look over at Y/N, she was breathing heavily, shivering in the cold. The car was no warmer than outside, maybe even colder. She curled up into a ball, staring out the window. I felt dizzy and sick, I took of my jacket carefully, trying not to get the blood from my face on it. I gently placed the jacket on her, her shivers stopped for a moment, she turned to look at me. Her bright E/C eyes lit up as she saw my face. "S-Si" She stopped herself, she didn't know what to do. I smiled softly, looking down at her hand, close to mine. "You okay...?" I questioned softly. My head was down, but my eyes looked up at her gently. She nodded, "I-I'm fine, S-Simon you're bleeding!" She said softly, but urgently. She ripped at her shirt, tearing a piece off. Y/N wrapped the soft piece of fabric around my head, pain shot through my body as I flinched. "S-Sorry!" She said quickly. "N-No it's fine." She gently placed it on, I clenched my fist, having all I could do not to jerk away. Josh looked back, he already had a bruise forming under his chin. I looked over at JJ, he stared straight at the seat in front of him, his leg bounced up and down impatiently. I looked down at his hands, they were clenched tightly, his veins popped out of his body fiercely, almost enough to scare me. I looked up at Vik, who tried to focus on the road.



We all rushed into the house, relieved to be home. I slammed the door behind me, a little to hard on accident because of the wind, all the same, it felt good. I helped Simon to the couch. "Really i'm fine." He said shaking his head. He didn't seem in to much pain, but he seemed off-balenced. I ran to the kitchen, grabbing some paper towels, some with water. My scar throbbed across my eye. I didn't dare to look in the mirror at it, I couldn't bring myself to do it. Today was the last day I wasn't aloud to cover it, after this I could touch it and whatever, pretty much not being careful. I rushed back to him. JJ was pacing around the living room, his hands still clenched in fist. Vik was looking at Josh's chin, "Can you open and close it." Josh did as he was told slowly, it seemed to hurt a tiny bit, but he could. Thank goodness. I slowly removed the fabric from Simon's head, he winced in pain, it only seemed to hurt when I touched it, "S-Sorry..." I said softly. I cleaned around his face with the towels carefully. His eyes stayed glued to the ground, refusing to lock with mine. I had to use a couple, his face was pretty bloody, luckily it was all dry. I cleaned everything, but the cut itself. "You ready...?" I questioned softly. He didn't move, he didn't do anything. I softly touched the towel to the wound, ever so gently cleaning it, he flinched at first, but then relaxed. "Is there any bandages around here?" I questioned. I could feel his eyes light up with intensity, even though I couldn't directly see them, "I'm fine." He said sternly. I've never seen him so serious...Vik ran off to go get them. JJ kept pacing back and forth, "Those little punks are lucky I wasn't ready! I could take all of them on if I was prepared...we were outnumbered." Josh sighed, "You were literally the only one who could fight, that and Y/N" I felt my brows clump together in confusion, "Me?" I questioned softly. I could hear a chuckle from Josh, it was his way of lightening the mood, "You kicked their butts!" He said smiling. Yeah...I guess I did. Vik came back with the bandage, I gently wrapped it around Simon's head, "Better?" I questioned. He looked up at me with sad eyes, they were watering. I felt my heart shatter in a matter of two seconds, that look...that look....I can never forget that. His lip quivered, he was about to burst into tears. His eyes were puffy and red, like he's been crying for hours. I felt my own eyes water too, no please...I didn't want him to feel embarrassed, "It's okay..." I mouthed ever so softly. "You should rest." It was true, he really should. It was also an excuse for him to get away from everyone. He couldn't nod because of his head, but his eyes said it all. It was a desperate plead to just get out of there. I held out my arm to help him up, he didn't take it at first, he wobbled, then quickly grabbed it. I looked at the others, JJ couldn't calm himself down. Josh stood up, resting his hand on his shoulder, to stop him from pacing. "They got a good beating man....they'll learn..." JJ shook his head, "They're lucky that wasn't a boxing match! They'd be ripped to shreds." Vik smiles slightly, "They'll know not to mess with you again, just like Weller" He shook his head in frustration. I helped Simon up the stairs, who seemed to be getting better. He really just needed a nap. I helped him to his bed, Simon crawled in, not even taking off his clothes to get into pj's. I turned off the light, and then pulled a chair up next to him. He turned on the lamp next to him, sitting up. I slowly sat on his bed side, staring, waiting for him to say something. His eyes traveled all over me, he hardened on the bruise that was on the side of my right side. "I-It's okay, I can't even feel it." I said. He took a deep breath, "I just wanted you to have a normal day..." I smiled, trying to lighten the mood, "There isn't normal with us." He looked up, his eyes were watering. I felt that look all over again. "P-Please...please don't cry." I could feel my face heating up, my own eyes watering, if he cried, I would. I grabbed his hand quickly, before my brain could react. What are you thinking Y/N! He deserves so much better. I quickly let go. Looking down. I could slowly feel his cool touch on my hand. I could feel his eyes doing the same as I was, staring at our hands. I looked up, watching a tear silently roll down his face. I pulled the blanket up over him, holding them close, he gave me a sad smile. I walked over to the lamp, his eyes were closed at this point, I could see his face still stained with the blood. I turned it off, holding my breath.

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