Chapter Five: Your Flight?

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The room was dimly lit. Everything still looked fuzzy. I felt the soft confuters underneath my fingers, where was I? The room soon came into focus, I was in a bed. I looked to my left, an IV stand. My right, this big machine, moderating my heart beat. As I turned my head, I felt a little dizzy. I pressed it against the pillow, it felt like every movement rattled my brain. Suddenly light shined into the room, making my head hurt, but it disappeared as fast as it came. A doctor came in, greeting me with a smile. She had beautiful, silky, long, blond hair. Her teeth were perfectly straight, and bright white. Her eyes sparkled a grey color. Like a cloudy day. I suddenly felt panicked though, i'm in a hospital, with a bed, and a doctor. Those smiles can never be good right? They're fake right? She pulls a stool next to me, and holds a clipboard in her hand. "I'm doctor Watson." She started looking me over. "Don't worry." How did she know I was nervous? I mean, this is a hospital....why do I keep having conversations in my brain? Why did I ask the person in my brain that!? And that?! "It's okay. You're perfectly fine! Great actually!" I scrunched my brow, how could I be great if I was here. The walls were white, the room was white, as white as my pale face. Simon..."You had a pretty bad concussion Y/N. I'm very terribly sorry, those medics that were helping you were actually in training. Well, one of them. The other one we fired because they honestly didn't care that they were doing this. Don't feel bad. If not, this would happen to someone else. S-Sorry for rambling. Your friends Simon and Josh are waiting, would you like to see them?" I barely got all of that, as soon as I heard Josh and Simon were here, I didn't care anymore. "Y-Yes please." I clenched my stomach nervously. Oh gosh. She pulls up a bowl from the side of the bed, "Just in case." She points to a button on the bed, "Press this one if you puke or need something." Then she points to a big red button, "This if you think you're going to pass out, have trouble breathing or anything serious. You'll know if it's serious. But I don't think we'll have to use the red button." She gets up and walks out. What was I going to say to the boys. I clenched my stomach, feeling sick. I didn't feel dizzy, and I only had a little headache. The door swings open, revealing the blond-headed boy with the piercing blue eyes, and a man with a scruffy, black beard. I played with my hands nervously, I messed up everything. I felt terrible, I messed up literally everything. They both pulled up stools next to me. Simon bit his lip nervously, they both refused to make eye contact. "How are you feeling...?" Josh asked softly. "Better..." Which wasn't all of a lie. My head felt much better, but I defiantly felt way more nauseous. I looked at Simon, who buried his head in his hands. "S-Simon...?" He shook his head, not leaving his hands. I heard him sniffle, was he crying? Josh patted him on the back gently. "I'm really sorry." I said softly, looking down. I couldn't look at them. "Huh..?" Josh asked confused. "I ruined such a great game, and a great night!? I mean look where we are!?" Josh shakes his head, "You have nothing to be sorry for. It's not like you asked for this." Simon stayed silent the whole time. He finally lifted his head, but he kept his eyes down. I couldn't tell what his face looked like, it was pretty dark in the room. "You guys didn't have to come...I mean you barely even know me." I clenched my stomach harder, I didn't need them more worried about me. I mean they don't even know me. Anyway it was just a bad concussions. Concussions happen all the time, i've even had a couple before. I don't know why this one feels so much worse. Josh eyes wonder around the room, like he was looking for something. "Of course we would come Y/N..." Says Simon softly. Finally Josh bends down, like he found it. He comes up with a bowl and rest it on my lap. "You don't look to good." "H-How did y-" He shakes his head, "I just know things. That isn't the point anyway." 'Don't puke don't puke don't puke.' I chanted softly in my head. "The doctor said I just had a really bad concussion. It's no big deal. I can't ask you guys to stay here." Simon stayed silent. Josh answered, "You literally described it with 'really bad' in it!?" I looked down at the bowl. Simon finally lifts his eyes. I could feel the tension in the air, I could feel him staring deep into me. "Don't feel bad about being hurt. It's okay." My eyes lifted up, looking into his for a moment. "Do you think you can come home?" I looked up, my eyes widened. "Wait what time is it!?" Simon looks down at his watch, squinting trying to see the time in the darkness. Josh gives a small chuckle and pulls out his phone. "1am? Why?" I felt my heart shatter, "My flight left at 11!?" I felt tears fill my eyes, how was I going to afford the trip home!? I may be a youtuber, but I didn't have much money. I thought of my parents and family, I spent all my money making them stable, and they still aren't. there was no way I could afford another ticket home. "I bet the hotel would let you stay longer." Josh suggested. "I mean they were honored to have us here. And then you can just get another ticket home. I bet there's another one leaving heh." He said nervously. I couldn't tell them that I couldn't buy a stupid plane ticket. Suddenly the door opened, that couldn't of been better timing. "Couldn't help but over hear the conversation!" She said cheerful. She then looked at the two boys, with a puzzled look, "Think I can trust you with this lovely lady?" She said giggling. Josh and Simon looked up at her, I couldn't see their facial expression. "Of course." They said in harmony. "Now, make sure she stays bedrest. No bright lights for awhile." Now remember to head out front to figure out the payment at the front desk. It'll be about 1,700. Feel better soon!" She walks out happily. Oh my gosh...who just has that amount of money!? "What's wrong?" I looked up with tears rolling down my eyes before I even realized it. What was I going to do. I can't tell them, that's so embarrassing. But what other option do I have?! I look at them both. Simon's eyes looked dull. "I-It's..." I couldn't bring myself to do it, "Nothing. It's fine. Sorry." I wiped away my tears. I sat up, feeling a little dizzy. Simon quickly puts his hand on my arm, "It's clearly nothing." I clenched my fist. "It's embarrassing...i've already embarrassed myself enough." I gritted my teeth harder with every word that I said. Josh scrunched his face, "Embarrassed yourself? How!?" I widened my eyes in disbelief, "You can't be serious!?" He lifts an eyebrow, waiting. "This!?" I throw my arms up in the air, "Look where we are!? I injured myself in a Charity game, ruined a fun dinner night, and now i'm feeling sorry for myself because i'm in a hospital bed and I don't have the money to pay?!" I snapped. They both looked down, speechless. I turned away, not looking at them, pulling my blankets closer to me, like I could hide myself. "S-Sorry..." I said, "Can we just go...?" I pull myself out of bed on the opposite side, but they quickly run over and grab one of my arms. They both stayed silent, none of us dared to speak anymore. They helped me down the halls and to the desk. They sat me gently in the seat. The lights felt bright, I squinted looking around, trying to focus on something. "H-Here." The doctor said gently. She put a pair of black sun glasses on me. I felt a little better, but still nauseous. I couldn't shake that feeling off. The doctor started to explain what we should do, but I couldn't hear it. I felt a ringing through my ears, it didn't matter, I couldn't think about that anyway. How am I going to pay for this? How am I going to get home? "Where would you like me to charge the bill?" She looked at the three of us, I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could, Simon interrupts, "Under Simon Minter please." She nods and starts typing in his name. "W-Wait I-" He gently puts his hand on my shoulder. I couldn't ask of them to do this. After a couple minutes she said, "Alright thank you! You may be on your way!" I stood up, grabbing Simon's arm so I wouldn't fall. I grabbed Josh's as well, but all I wanted to do was clench my stomach, to try to keep me from puking, to wash away this sucky feeling that I felt. They helped me into the car, Josh driving, and me and Simon in the back. The passenger seat was perfectly fine and open. "Y-You don't have to stay back here with me." He buckles me up, and then him, "You're right, I don't have to." He gives me a little smile. I rubbed my eyes, feeling tired and sick. I curled up to the side door, really uncomfortable. It was hard and it hurt. Simon gently grabbed my arm, and turned me to look at him. He puts his hand gently on my cheek, making my face light up red. He gently pushes on my face to fall on his chest, and I let it. I smiled softly and closed my eyes, listening to his heartbeat. Falling asleep.

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