Chapter Twenty One: Moving On

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I laid in bed awake, it was five in the morning and I hadn't slept at all last night. Me and the boys are trying to get a better sleep schedule, but I guess it wasn't really working. I couldn't stop thinking about me and Simon's kiss yesterday, it was passionate, but gentle. I've never felt more alive. But then my mind kept wandering back to Harry. He removed the makeup from my face and kissed me softly and then said it was okay that I had feelings for someone else, not him. What if things were awkward between us now? What if I've ruined everything between us? Harry was a good guy and he deserved someone so bad, but someone better than me. Same for Simon, he deserves better. I mean he's so amazing, so talented, how could he ever see something in me? I'm a nobody, just somebody who hides in her shell of makeup, Harry could even see it and so do the comments. They even believe that i'm not good enough for him. I mean how could anyone be good enough for him, I've never met anyone like him and I never will. He's kind, funny, caring, generous, hard working, and so much more. Words can't even describe it. I got up out of bed, walking over to the mirror, my face felt empty as I stared into it. I smiled into the mirror, I saw a happy girl, someone who was comfortable, someone who was adventurous and cute. Leaning in close, looking into my eyes, I saw sadness, a shell, a cry for help and no one will ever understand that. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts as I stepped back.I said softly. I rushed to my desk and started to apply foundation over my scar. "One second!" I called as I finished up. "Okay come in," I said as I finished applying it so you couldn't see my scar as well. Simon's face appeared in the door, we haven't talked since I kissed him yesterday night. His eyes linger around my face to my lips, then looking at my eyes, "Hey...what are you doing up?" He questioned softly as he closed the door behind him, making sure to be quiet as everyone was asleep. "Couldn't sleep, thought I'd start to get ready for the day." He glances over at my phone, which was blowing up a storm, "Do they ever stop?" He said with a half-hearted laugh, "I haven't checked social media in awhile." He sits on the bed and opens up his phone, my heart stops, he's going to see all the mean comments. I didn't really see any that were aimed at him, but still, I wasn't sure if I wanted him to see, I didn't want him to feel sorry. At the same time, maybe it would be good....maybe he would realize he made a mistake. He squinted as he scrolled through post, I was frozen in my chair. I fixated hard on his face, still seeing a bruise on his forehead...a memory flashed through my mind. He told me before the fight he hit it off his headstand, but....

-Flashback from Chapter Ten: Pool Party-

My head started to pound as so many thoughts swam around my head. Wait...all the makeup I was wearing was going to wash off, same with all of their bruises, I bet there most gone, but...Harry ran straight to the water, diving in. My eyes widened as I ran over to the others. "The bruises!" I whispered fiercely. "They're pretty much gone." JJ said shrugging, "Vik never had any, you can't even see mine, Josh's is pretty much gone...Simon's will be the hardest. How's yours?" He said staring hard at the right side of my face, "You can't even see it." I sighed, "Remember....make-up?" Simon looks down, "Yeah i'm wearing so much make-up right now...geez thought i'd never see the day i'd say that. Wait your bruise could just be from the game match, and I could just say I slipped and banged it off of a counter end?" Simon questioned hopeful. Vik jumped in, "That sounds like a great idea, then let's go!"

-Back to regular time-


I shuttered, thinking about Simons excuse last time, he said he could just say he slipped and banged it off the counter end...Simon this time said he banged it off his headstand next to his bed..."S-Simon...?" I was about to question it when he looked up at me with tired, sad eyes, "U-Um," He quickly turned of his phone, "Social media is at a bad p-place right now, I don't think we should look at it, get involved..." He said quickly, nervously. He thought I hadn't already seen all of the bad tweets, "Just promise me you'll stay off it for a little while?" His tired, blue eyes stared into mine, waiting for me to say something. I've already seen them, but if it made Simon feel better, then sure, I wouldn't, "O-Okay, I promise." I opened my mouth again to speak, but he did before I could, "My eye appointment is today...!" His voice lingered on, not sure what to say. Looking down at him, I could see his hands were on his lap nervously as he stared down at them, "I don't really think it's a good idea." I scrunched my face, "Why not?" I mean, even I knew that was a dumb question, the idea of someone working on my eyes even freaked me out and that wasn't even something I needed. "What if something goes wrong? I might go blind!" I stood up, walking as far as I could from the room, I went on my phone and got onto safari, and put up a picture of a puppy on my phone, a Corgi. "What is this?" I said pointing at the phone, he stammered, "A phone?" He said with a sly remark. "Hah hah! So funny, so what's on the phone." He grins even more, "A sidemen phone case from" I rolled my eyes, "You're just avoiding the questionnnnn," He sighed, "You caught me red handed. Fine, I'll do ONE appointment." I smiled proudfully, "When is it!" I exclaimed as I skipped back over to him. "In a little bit..." I crossed my arms quickly, looking at him, "It's five in the morn-...ohhh that makes since why you're up now! You're never up early!" I then rummaged through my closet, finding my Sidemen hoodie and pants, "Hmmm blue or yellow hoodie today?" I questioned as I held up the two options. Since I barely had any clothes with me, I pretty much lived on their merch, "Yellow." He says, "Because you're banana's." Once again, I rolled my eyes, "Go get the car warmed up while I change." I said as I threw my hair up into a low ponytail. He races out of the room, I could hear his feet thudding down the stairs, he wasn't exactly quiet. I guess it would be hard with those long legs of his. I threw off my pj's and put on my hoodie and sweatpants. Standing in the mirror, I pulled down my sleeves, holding onto them with my hands. I took a deep breath as thoughts swirled through my mind, there was so many. About how I didn't think Simon hurt his head from falling out of bed, the possibility of Simons surgery going wrong, how they have just let me live here for no reason, all the mean comments about me, Harry kissing me, me kissing Simon, the list went on and on. Before I could stop myself, I slipped out the door, tip-toeing down the stairs. When I got to the bottom I saw Ethan rummaging around, "What are you doing up this early?" I questioned, he turns around, noticing that I'm there. He gives me a sad smile, "Couldn't sleep..." I glanced out the window, to see Simon tapping on the wheel, listening to music. He could wait. I slowly walked up to Ethan, "Anything I can help with...?" He gives a small chuckle, "Nah, I'm fine, it looks like Simon is waiting for you," He says as he gestures to the window. I bite my lip as he goes back to his phone, he was leaning against the counter, his face scrunches as he looks through the comments, he turns his phone around, revealing a tweet that was tweeted at me, it was about how Ethan gave me a scar across my face, wishing he would of left more. He looks down, retracting his phone, shoving it into his pant pocket, "You know I feel really bad about that...." I took a staggering breath, wrapping my arms around him, "Awe Ethan, of course I know," I say as I bury my head deep into his sweatshirt, it smelt like cherries almost. After a moment, he releases, "Have you seen some more of the comments...?" I feel my eyes drift back to Simon as he said that, he shakes his head immediately knowing, "He knows about haven't told them you've seen, haven't you." I bit my lip harder, nodding, "Yeah, don't tell him for me, okay? I really gotta go now, we're gonna be late! See you Ethan!" Before he could say anything else I hopped into the car, buckling quickly. Simon put on his glasses, and drove off.

Simon's POV

I glanced over at her while I was driving, her head was rested against the window, deep into thought. I felt a tight feeling come in my chest, she ran in...kissing me? Not just kissing, passionately, with her soft, gentle lips. I could even taste them now, her lips tasted like strawberries. That might just be her chapstick, but all the same, it was hot. The comments kept swirling through my brain as I stared at the road, like every car was a comment. I don't understand why so many people hated her, how could anyone hate her? Either way, I was going to fix this...somehow.

Ethan's POV

I watched as Simon and Y/N drove off, feeling a wave of relief wash over me. Talking about it with her felt like weights were lifted off my shoulders. Swiftly I headed upstairs, climbing into bed, falling asleep instantly.

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