Chapter Thirty Three: In His Arms

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I yawned, opening my eyes. Looking over at the clock I could see it was only 12:00. Simon's chest rose and fell softly, bringing the memories rushing back. His arms were wrapped around my stomach, still holding me tight. I could feel a smile crawl on my face. I turned around seeing him shirtless, making me blush. I can't believe that was a real, it has to be a dream. I'm lying in bed with Miniminter, shirtless. I looked down, seeing my spanks were still safely on, and so were his sweatpants. I could see the rim of his underwear, making me blush harder. I turned so I could cuddle in his chest, careful not to wake him up. I wrapped an arm under and over him, holding him close as I rested my head on his chest, just listening to his heart beat. My head hurt slightly from the wine last night, but it was so worth it. My eyes felt oddly heavy, as I drifted back to sleep.

Simon's POV

I opened my eyes slowly, blinking as I adjusted to the light in my room, I forgot to shut the shades last night. Looking down I saw Y/N curled up to my chest, her eyes closed. Looking at the clock I saw it was 14:00. I rubbed my eyes as I watched her. She seemed so peaceful as she slept. My eyes went to the ring on her middle finger, making me so happy. I can't believe she felt the same about me, I didn't even understand how it was possible. She groans, starting to wake up as her eyes flutter open. She sees me watching her, her cheeks go bright red as mine do. We quickly release each other, laying flat on our backs looking up. I snuck a quick glance, her eyes stayed fixated on the ceiling, but she had the biggest grin on her face. I leaned over, kissing her cheek until I sat up from bed, looking at my computer. All I wanted to do was lay there and snuggle her all day, but I had things to do. She noticed me looking there, crawling across the bed to sit next to me. Looking down, seeing me shirtless with her made me feel suddenly insecure. I wrapped my arms around my stomach suddenly, staring hard at the ground. Her head tilted at me, "I get it Simon, you can get to work...I have things for youtube to do too." She pecks my cheek softly. I took a harder look at her, her hair was tangled and a mess from last night, under her eyes was black from I think mascara? Or maybe eyeliner? Or both? Her scar was barely visible, as the makeup was still covering it. I wished she and walks over to the door, opening up and stepping out. Not a second later she rushes in, slamming the door wide-eyed. I started laughing so hard it made my stomach hurt, she stood holding the door shut wearing only a sports bra and spanks. She let out an embarrassed laugh. I was still chuckling as I stood up, tossing her a hoodie and some sweatpants, afterwards throwing on a shirt myself. She got them on thankfully, and rushed out of the room, utterly embarrassed.


I shut my door behind me, sighing as I leaned against it. That was the best night of my life. I stumbled onto my bed, face first into the pillow. My hair was in naughts I attempted to run my hand through it, "O-Ow!" I whispered to myself as I sat up, rubbing the side of my head where I pretty much yanked out my hair. I rubbed my eyes, suddenly feeling tears at the bridge of my eyes. I squealed happily, hopping up form bed, jumping out from excitement. I rushed into the bathroom, removing my clothes, as I was about to hope in, I saw myself in the mirror. My hand rested on my stomach, I turned, my stomach wasn't perfect...but that didn't matter. Happily I played Simon's distract, hopping into the shower rapping it.

Simon's POV

As I was editing I couldn't help but be so distracted, I just wanted to tell the others. I texted Y/N, even though she was only a couple rooms over.

Simon: Hey, I wanted to see if you were comfortable with this, letting the others know? The boys, and if your girl friends?

She answered almost immediately.

Y/N: YES!!! I'm actually so excited too, text or come get me when you're ready.

Simon: Will do, see you soon. <3

Y/N: <3

I turned my phone of happily. I got into the skype call, all the boys were already in it, "Hey boys, I got some news, think you can all be at the house in an hour?" They agreed confused.

-One hour later-


I skipped down the stairs happily, seeing everyone there, suddenly making me feel slightly intimidated. Simon lifted an eyebrow at me, seeing if I was ready. I opened my mouth to speak, what would they think? They would be happy for us, right?" I used my hand to cover up my ring, he got up from the couch and turned around to look at them, a huge smile spread on his face as he wrapped his arm around my back, "Guys, this is my girlfriend." I was immediately blushing as Freya and Emily jumped to their feet, happily, rushing over and embracing me in a hug, "Now you're truly one of the Sidemen girls." They said giggling as I giggled along. The boys congratulated Simon as well. I looked over at Harry, seeing his eyes flicker with a little bit of hurt. I gave him a sad smile, and he gave an even sadder one back. I shivered as goosebumps ran along my back as I tore my eyes away from him, feeling a rush of guilt. I took a deep breath, trying to shake it off. I stared into Simon's eyes, smiling. I can't believe I was his. "Now video time?" He questioned as the boys raced into the backyard, like they already knew what was happening. Me, Freya, and Emily stared at each other confused, "COME ON LADIES!" Yells JJ as he's already outside. We shrug, rushing out. Outside was a big bouncy house, I squealed, "BOUNCY CASTLE!" I screamed as I raced to it, doing a front flip on as I landed, giggling. I didn't even realize Kon was already recording. "CANNON BALL!" Harry ran in, "AH!" I screamed as I flew up a couple feet in the air before falling back down again. Soon all of us were in this small cramped bounce house, doing flips and pretty much flopping on each other. After our fun, we actually started on a video. It was a Sidemen Sunday, so the three of us helped recorded. I grabbed one of the cameras, and headed for a side angle as they kicked around the footballs, aiming for a net inside. I watched Simon in the background, putting on a brace for his wrist, hurting my heart. Next it was his turn, he turned to me, staring me in the eyes as he kicked the football, taking a no-look shot. The ball sinks into the back of the net. "What. What." He says in a dumb attempt of a thug voice as he waves his arms around. All the other boys groan, he was crushing this. After the charity match and various football videos, I still would have to say Simon was the best at football overall. He was really skilled, but so were the other boys. After the video he sidles up to me, interlacing our fingers as he pecks my cheek, "Nice angles, their gonna look good for the video." I smiled of a thanks, and grabbed a football, twirling it in my fingers with an evil grin on my face. "Is someone up to a football challenge??" I said in a goofy voice. He smiles, but he seemed to be distant, "Y-Yeah!" I pursed my lips, but decided not to say anything. The girls helped record as we did various challenges. He beat me in the first round, the crossbar challenge, then second round was a dribbling race, we raced to the opposite side of the lawn while dribbling the ball, I won that one, and then I won in the penalty shoot out, surprisingly. We agreed to go one handed for trying to save it, so it was pretty much waiting for one of us to shank it, and, well...I bet you could guess what happened. After the video, we headed inside and grabbed a snack. I munched on my food as he paced around the kitchen, obviously something bothering him, but no one else really seemed to notice. I bit my lip, feeling bad about it. I grabbed his arms, dragging him up the stairs and into my room, without saying a word. He walked in, shutting the door behind him, "What's up?" He questioned as he sat at the edge of my bed, "What's wrong? You seem a little off?" He laughs, shaking it off, "Nothing is wrong!" I crossed my arms, "What." He sighs, his eyes traveling to the floor, "I have laser eye surgery tomorrow..." My eyes widened, "What!? Why haven't you said anything!" He shrugged, "With so much going on, that seemed the least of your worries." I sighed, shaking my head, "Can I come with?" A smile spreads across his face, "Of course."

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