Chapter Thirty One: Under The Lights

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Groaning I rolled over, grabbing my phone. I rubbed my eyes, it being 14:00 after pulling an all-nighter to get caught up on recording. I read my phone, it reading November 5th. Rubbing my eyes, I read a reply from Simon.

Simon: Meet me at 16:30 on the rooftop. I would say dress nice, but I already know you'll look good. Also dress warm, be there alone. See you soon.

I felt my heart stop in my chest as my hands hovered over his text. Right below it was a location that I was unsure of, but it was only fifteen minutes away. Quickly I jumped out of bed and into the shower. After the shower, I glanced at the clock it being 14:55. I rushed to my closet with my towel wrapped around me tight, desperately searching for something nice. I groaned as I looked at my pretty much empty closest, all that there was really in here was Sidemen clothing, and the one dress I wore going out with Freya and Emily, which still smelled slightly of alcohol. I grabbed my phone on the counter, quickly finding the group chat of me, Freya and Emily.

Y/N: Guys I need MAJOR HELP ASAP! I'll tell you the details when you get here, but pretty much I need a dress fit for this weather!

Moments later, my phone pinged with a message from Freya.

Freya: Sorting through dresses now! Be there in a minute! Ttyl!

As I was about to reply, my phone pinged with another message.

Emily: Looking through mine too, see you girls soon!

Y/N: You guys are lifesavers! See you soon!

While waiting, I called a cab and gave them the address and the time, the girls burst into the room with handfuls of skirts, heels, scarves, and cute jackets. "Lets get to it!" Freya beams happily. I couldn't help but laugh, "I didn't think I'd have this many options!" Emily smiles, "Well you better get picking, how long do we have to get you ready?" "I have to be there at 16:30." I showed them the text message Simon sent me, and they started squealing. I looked at them confused. "Y/N do you realize what this means!" I bit my lip, unsure, "Y/N he's totally know what, never mind." She smiled, hanging me a dress. I shrugged, suddenly feeling way more nervous than I was. I slipped out of my clothes, and into the dress. Finally we decided with a grey dress, with past knee-length black boots and a cute scarf. I undid my hair from my messy bun, it falling to my sides. I stood in front of the mirror self-conciously. I could hear Freya and Emily squeal, "Perfect! Dressy, warm, but casual at the same time!" My phone pinged, saying my ride was here. They each grabbed one of my hands, squealing, "You better tell us immediately how it goes!" I nodded, grabbing my small purse and a jacket also picked out from them. Taking one last look, I headed down the stairs. As I was about to exit, Harry caught me. He looks at me sadly, running his hands through his hands. He watches as I walk by, and I could feel the tension in the air, my hands rested on the doorknob, I took a glance back at him, seeing his eyes glazed over with fresh tears, he didn't notice me, but he quickly wiped them away, seeming shocked at himself. Mustering up all my courage I walked back over to him, wrapping my arms around his body, he was tense at first, but then relaxed into my embrace. After the hug, I took a step back, refusing to look at him. I headed out the door, before he could say a word.

-Timeskip to when Y/N arrives.-

I took the elevators up to the rooftop, still really unsure where I was. I looked at my phone, it was 16:29, perfect timing. The elevators doors open, taking a deep breath I stepped out, and felt my eyes drop. The sun was barely over the horizon, casting shadows. To my right set up a table for two, two wine glasses set up the top...I could barely make out the bottle....but it was my favorite. Looking all around, beautiful lights shined all along the rooftop. Straight ahead was a figure, who turned around, the second he did I saw snow fall lightly down, he looked up, reaching a hand out as a couple of snowflakes fell on his fingertips, for some reason I felt like I needed to do the same. I outstretched my hand slightly, a snowflake slowly twirling until it rested on my hand, melting away. Looking up Simon was still looking down, after a moment, his eyes traveled up to me, where I could finally get a better look at him. He was wearing a tux, a grey tux. Far away I could even see he was shaking slightly. He reached to his right, picking up a rose. My heart stopped as he stood there. I stood in awe for a moment, the lights twinkling, the moon starting to rise, the snow falling lightly into his dirty blond hair. His small smile felt so bright, so genuine. I took my jacket off, finding his. Slowly I walked to him, feeling the cool air travel down my skin, causing goosebumps all down my skin. My brain couldn't even process what was happening. He reaches for my hand with his free one, immediately I could feel his hands shaking violently, making me nervous. We stared at our hands for a moment, till our eyes drifted to each other, he held out the rose, "T-These" He lets out a sigh of defeat, barely even able to talk, he holds the rose out to me, making my heart stop. I carefully grabbed the rose, holding it to my nose smelling it, it smelled amazing, but I could even smell Simon's cologne on it, only making it better. "S-Simon...I...this is stunning." I looked around, feeling a snowflake fall on my nose, making me smile. He smiles, noticing it as well. He closes his eyes, leaning his forehead on mine, "I-I'm...scared." I looked at him confused, "Y-You're...scared...?" I felt my breath get caught in my throat, what was happening. "Y-You're j-just s-so're just so beautiful..." I felt my heart catch in my throat as I felt my eyes water in tears. Simon, he...I knew we kissed before, but did he really feel this way? Is he...oh my days. "Y/N...t-t-the first time I saw the Charity Match, being captain a-as the only female player, I k-knew there was something special about you...the way your smile shined through the stadium, or your confidence on the field, and your determination. You were something I never expected to come into my life so soon. And when you got hurt...I couldn't just stand by. That moment on, I made it my mission to protect you...that h-hasn't r-re-really..." His voice cracks as he shakes his head, looking down. He held his hand in mine, trying to stop himself from shaking, but he just couldn't. He takes a moment, gathering himself, "I-I've failed. Stop me whenever you'd like..." He gestures to the elevator, "You don't even have to s-say the word...just walk in the elevator, shut the door, and I won't be mad...I-I...have a cab waiting for you, just" I looked to the floor, where the rose was, seeing a container of alcohol, separate from the wine. Was that for just in case too? I shook my head quickly, "S-Simon I'm not g-going anywhere..." I squeezed his hand reassuringly. He thinks he failed? He saved my life! "I-I...I'm just gonna say it. I admire everything about you. The more I've gotten to know you, the more I can't imagine my life without you. And seeing y-you...." He brings his free hand up to his face, wiping the tears, "S-Seeing you almost die has been breaking me apart." His voice cracked and shook as he talk, making my heart crumble into a million pieces. My body felt frozen, I couldn't speak, I couldn't move. "Y/N...I care so much about you, more than I could e-ever put into words...what I-I'm trying to say is...I want you-...." He takes a moment, backtracking, "I know we h-have youtube....this wouldn't be announced all over social media just yet....we'd keep to our normal lives...but if you wanted to know, would you be my girlfriend...?" I could hear the hope in his voice as my own felt like it was getting closed up, I felt dry. "I-I kn-know you deserve better I-I'm so sorry I-" I stop him immediately, cupping my hands on his cheeks, holding the rose still in one hand, and pull him closer to the ground, standing on my tippy-toes I close the gap, feeling sparks fly from the air. But the kiss was soft, longing for more as we pulled apart, his forehead resting on mine, I smiled, just seeing his eyes from the small distance between us, "Yes...Simon yes, I would love to be your girlfriend." I peck him once on the lips, and immediately I could see his body relax. After we break apart, he reaches into his pocket, pulling out an intricate ring. "I know this is cheesy, but it's a promise be more exact, it's like a princess ring?" He said a little unsure. His eyes light up quickly, "Not saying you want to be a princess! deserve to be treated like one..." He slips the ring carefully onto my finger, the diamonds shine under the lights, "S-Simon..." I kissed him again, this time more passionately. I placed the rose blindly on the table, wrapping my arms around his neck, he wrapped his arms around my waist at a safe distance, pulling me close. When we ripped apart, we were breathing heavily, smiling. He wrapped his strong arms around me, making me feel safe. I never felt a better feeling in the whole world, the way he held me, standing under the lights, with a beautiful view of London, but standing here with an even more beautiful man. I had everything I have ever wanted. I leaned my head on his chest, feeling his heart pound hard in his chest, I don't know if I've ever heard it more loud...other than the time I...other than then. I casted worry eyes up at him, but he smiled. I turned around, releasing from his arms, instead holding his hands, looking up into his eyes. He looked down, staring lost into my eyes, smiling. I looked back up into his, they seemed almost black under the light. I giggled slightly, he tilted his head, "W-What's so funny?" I shook my head, still giggling a little bit, "I-I'm just...I'm just so happy."

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