Chapter Twenty Four: Unstable

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(Hey! So this chapter was really hard for me to write because with them drinking is something I'm not very exposed to, I've never drank, nor really seen young adults get very drunk, so I figured this would be a nice experiment for me! Let me know if you have any tips! One more thing, I was hoping to do this with the intent to realize this is out of Y/N's character, something she never does and feels like she had to do it! <3)


After a short car ride, we arrived at the bar. It was about 9:30. We walked in, it wasn't to overly crowded, but for me it felt like there was a million people. We walked up to the bar, I could feel a couple of eyes watching us as we sat at a stool, "Three shots please." Says Freya as she smiles at the waiter. He quickly comes back with three shots, then rushes off to help someone else. She raises her shot, "To one hell of a night!" "Cheers!" Me and Emily say in unison as we all clinked, then downed our first shot. It felt like fire was going down my throat as I gasped for air. I wasn't really a drinker, like at all. They giggled as they called for another one, "We gotta get the night started right! We usually don't drink much, but it's one of those nights, ya know?" Says Freya as the waiter comes back. We wait a minute or so before downing the other shot. Soon a round of fries come around as were all sipping on champagne. "Hungry?" Questioned Freya as she ate a fry. I shook my head, honestly I was starving, I felt like I could eat an elephant, but I was to scared if I ate to much it might upset my stomach with the drinking. I sipped my champagne, looking at their glasses, they were already father than I was. I giggled, as I downed some more. The rush felt amazing, like I was so much more relaxed, more free. Smiling, I finished my drink before they finished theres. "So Y/N," Says Freya intently, "You know about me and Y/N's love life, tell us a little about yours!" Immediately I felt my face flush, but it would be nice to talk about someone with it, "Very confusing..." Emily groans, "Awe come on! You gotta tell us more." Freya eyes widened as she leans in, "Yeah who is your interest? Or interests little player! Do we know him? Or she?" I felt myself grinning, "Oh you defiantly know him alllll to well." She scrunches her eyebrows, "Please tell me it was Simon! I saw him staring at you the whole night! And he talked to you before you left. It's totally Simon isn't it?" I nodded as we all squealed together, "I knew it!" Emily chimes in, "I so see it! You guys would be perfect together!" I opened my mouth to say more, but then I glanced at the dance floor, a ton of people were dancing, then my favorite song started playing. There eyes went wide as well, "LETS DANCE!" We order another drink quickly, and rush over. We sway and dance like mad, I honestly didn't realize what a great dancer I was. We were swaying to the music, everything was perfect. Hicupping I said, "Girls this is the BEST night of my life. I know we'll be best friends forever!" I pull them into a hug, spilling my drink a little bit on the dance floor, "Oops" -Hiccup- "This calls for a picture!" I grabbed my phone and we all posed for the picture, I immediately posted it afterwards. They laugh as we make our way back to the bar, my feet felt a little wobbly from under me, I grabbed the bar, giggling as I sat back into the seat. As the waiter walked over, he started offering different drinks. But I wasn't exactly paying attention. His eyes were like the sky....well they were green, so more like the grass, but it was close enough. His hair was jet black, making me loose myself. "Ma'am? Hello? What will it be?" Quickly I snapped out of it. His hand rested on the tabled, reaching out I ran my fingers down his arm, "Another shot please...only of your finest." The other girls laughed as they cheered. He came back with three shots. Giving them to them, then holding it to high for me to reach, "Only if you ask nicely." Smiling, I answered, "Pretty pleaseeee?" He laughs, handing me the drink and heads back. Emily smiles, but rolls her eyes. We down the shots, then she takes a deep breath, "Geez, I haven't gone this hard in awhile, we should probably hold it back? Water girls?" I scrunched my face, "But what's the fun in thatttttt!" Freya giggles, "True true, it isn't as fun. But we should hold back..." As the waiter came back, Freya stands up, "I'm gonna head to the bathroom, do you girls have to go?" I shook my head as Emily said yes, they headed off together. Suddenly a man sits next to me, his eyes were bright blue, and his eyes were explosively blond. "May I buy you a drink?" I giggled, "Happily." He orders a strong drink, I couldn't really remember what one it was. The waiter comes back, leaving it on the counter and heads off. I sat on the stood, sipping it as I stared into the mans eyes. His body swayed, obviously drunk. Looking around, I didn't see where Freya and Emily went, "W-Where are my friends?" I said questioning the man, he shrugged, leaning in, "Not sure, they should be back soon, maybe they went to the bathroom or something?" I shrugged, standing up, wobbling as I fell forwards. He dashed, grabbing me by the arm, holding me straight up, "Alright I think someone had one to many drinks." I giggled, looking over as I saw my friends run up, Freya and Emily. They both grabbed my arm and said something to the guy, but I couldn't really remember, "Do you guys wanna go dance?"

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