Chapter Thirty Four: Blurry Vision

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I vlogged him in the Sidemen house as he explained today was the day that he was finally going to have the surgery. Soon we were off, driving to where he was having laser eye surgery. I drove us there as Simon stared out the window, cracking his knuckles nervously. I looked over at him when I pulled into the parking lot, smiling, "Todays the day!" I beamed, trying to make him excited. We stepped out of the car and I started to vlog him, he seemed totally pumped and ready for this surgery. We walked inside and soon we were in the surgery room. They asked some questions and got him ready for it. I sat in a chair nervously, twirling my ring, thinking about all the ways it could go wrong, even though the possibilities of it going wrong was incredibly slim. The man left moments later, Simon grinned as he put on his blue cap, "Look! It matches my hoodie!" He beams happily, I giggle as I filmed him, "Must be a sign, blue cap, blue hoodie, and blue eyes." I said jokingly, but blue eyes wasn't all I wanted to say. All I really wanted was to stare into them for hours and hours, getting lost int the ocean that they were. I felt myself getting lost in them for a moment before he smirked,  "What that I'm going to turn into a smurf!?" I laughed hard, shaking my head at his stupidity. I turned the camera off there, "I'm leaving that in the vlog." He smiles, blinking his eyes, "My eyes feel so moist." I punched him in the arm, "Don't say that word! It's just, ew!" "Mmmmmooooooiiiiiiiiiisssssstttttt-ahh" I pursed my lips angrily, "You think you're so funny." I crossed my arms, sitting on my chair pouting at him. He walks over, "Why yes, yes I do." He leans in, planting the softest kiss on my forehead, "And I think you shouldn't be so nervous." I tilted my head, "I-I'm not nervous!" He gave me a dead serious look, "Then why twirl your ring so much?" I rolled my eyes, pulling my hoodie over the ring. "I don't know what you're talking about." Before he could answer, the man came back in, getting him ready. He took a deep, worrying breath as he laid down. They started preparing for the surgery. They were starting with his right eye, putting a patch over the left, putting tape on and getting everything ready. Soon the huge luminous machine hovered over him, showing his eye on the screen. I watched him, his hands laid on his stomach as he cracked his knuckles clearly nervous. "It'll be alright..." I whispered softly, knowing he didn't hear me, but it was to make me feel better." The man put gloves over his hands, and put numbing drops into his eyes, making him flinch, but then relax. I took a deep breath, twirling the ring he gave me again. I know I haven't had it for long, but the ring has really helped, whenever I get nervous, I just twirl it, and it helps me feel calmer. They clamped his eye open, making me clench my stomach. They put in some harder numbing drops, making me worry. The man talked to me how it is going to look bad, but he's really fine. I looked over at the machine, filming what was happening. They soon started to scrape off the layer of his eye. I recorded the recording of it, but I kept just watching Simon. His chest rose and fell slowly, keeping calm. He probably couldn't feel anything. Then a beeping went off, flashing a blue light. A smell arose in the room, I couldn't pin point what it smelt like, everyone who has done it says it smells like burning flesh, which I could agree with. But if I hadn't heard that was what it smelt like, I'm not sure I would of made that connection. I continued recording, even though I felt extremely nervous. He then puts the drops on, and a contact lens on, then the eyes was done, I breathed a sigh of relief, but then realized we had a whole other eye, I groaned slightly as I sat back in the chair. Simon's hands were folded on his stomach, they were tight, but he seemed calm.

-Timeskip to after the surgery-


We headed out of the place, him wearing a nice pair of raybands. "I mean, well were out of the room, it is..." He looks at his watch, "What time is it?" I giggle as I look at his watch, "11:25" "So Nando's time?" He pointed, "That way!" His arm was going right into the street when it was just up the block, I giggled, turning his hand to the side, "That way!" We headed off, I turned the camera off. I guided him there, all I wanted to do was hold him, because I was so worried, but we couldn't in public. We headed into Nandos and sat down. We were now waiting for our food. His hands were on his lap. He smiled at me, his head a little off center. "How are you supposed to eat?" He smiled, "I'm not blind! Just, things are blurry." When our food arrived, we dug in. He was obviously eating weird, but he seemed to be in no pain. It wasn't supposed to start yet. The bag of supplies was on my right of the booth. I grabbed the camera, and pointed it at my plate, then his plate. I lifted it to him, he smiled giving me a big thumbs up. I turned it off, "See, I could tell you were recording." I giggled, "Were? I still am!" I wasn't still recording, but I had to mess with him a LITTLE bit. "Wait really, oh!" He was now laughing, I burst out, "Simon I'm not recording." He shook his head lightly, reaching for his fork, he missed the first time, but got it afterwards. "You're so cute." he whispered in the softest voice. My cheeks lit up slightly, "Says you and your little, fancy, sunglasses." Him and sunglasses were pretty hot. He bit his lip and took another bite of his food, pointing to his mouth saying he can't talk because he was chewing. He's such a dummy.

Simon's POV

We arrived at the house, as soon as we did Y/N interlaced our fingers, guiding me to the door. Everything was pretty blurry now, my eyes were starting to sting a little, making me nervous for what it was going to feel like. She brought me inside where Josh came to help her. "Guys I can make itttt!" I said, but they still helped me to my room. She dumped out the bag, turning on the camera. I started putting the drops in my eyes, and telling my viewers I'm taking a nap and showing them all the stuff I had to put on. I attempted myself, but I couldn't do it. She stopped recording. Sitting on the ground with me, putting the tape and the cup things on. After finishing recording, she leaded me to the bed, I didn't have much sleep and I was exhausted. The lights were dim. She helped me into bed, "Would you like me to stay here?" I shook my head, "Nah it's alright." I think she smiled, "Well I'm gonna be popping in pretty often. So if you need me, just give a shout. The other boys will be checking in too." She pulls the blankets up, putting them in my hands so I could adjust them. She went to talk away when I went to grab her, and totally missed. She turned around giggling, "What is it?" She said coming closer. I grabbed her hand, rubbing it gently, "Thanks for being there for me today..." She said something, but I wasn't sure what it was, I was already sound asleep.

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