Chapter Twenty Nine: Nightmares

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Simon's POV

"SIMON!" I heard a shriek of terror rip through my eardrums, making me go cold, looking down Y/N's rope was barely holding on. Looking up I remembered what he said. I loosened my rope almost all the way, then reaches out for Y/N, I grabbed her hand barely, just in time, just as her rope snapped "SIMON!" She screamed as she tried to pull herself up. She was freaking out. "DON'T LOOK DOWN! CALM DOWN!" But it felt like my words were just being carried by the wind. I went to pull her up, but a huge gust of wind blew her out of my hand, "Y/N!" I screamed, reaching for her, but it was to late. She fell...her screams rattling my brain...she was seconds from the ground.

I jumped out of bed in a cold sweat, breathing heavy. Looking down I could see my hands were slightly shaking, and a throbbing pain ran through my hand. I gripped my stomach, feeling nauseous. We headed straight home afterwards, and I collapsed into bed. I sat up, feeling my vision swarm black for a moment, then going back to normal. My body felt hot, but I was cold at the same time, shaking. Leaning on the bedside stand, I stood up, heading straight for the bathroom. Stumbling I headed for the closest thing, which just happened to be the toilet. I collapsed to the floor, vomiting into the toilet. Afterwards, disgusted with myself I flushed the toilet, leaning my back against the wall, curling myself up. I felt a growing pain in my side, now feeling even worse from just vomiting, but it did feel good to get it out. After a moment, I grabbed the counter, feeling a wave of pain fill my wrist as I groaned out. "Dammit..." I muttered as I shakeningly lifted myself up to my feet, turning on the water, splashing my face with cold water. Relief washed over me as I started to feel a little better. Rubbing my still wet face, I stared up into the mirror. My eyes were dull, my face a pale/green color. My hairs was slightly wet, resting on my forehead. I utterly was a mess. She could of died...I...what if I missed. What if I didn't realize...what if my cord snapped too...I splashed my face with another spray of water, "Get it together Simon, she's fine" I angrily whispered as I stood up from the sink. I turned to grab a rag, but then I noticed a figure peering through the doorway. Y/N was slumped against the wall, staring wide-eyed at me. "Y-Y/N I-I uh..." I looked down nervously, quickly wiping the water off my face, "J-Just had a bad dream." Her eyes sadden as she gestures to the toilet, "S-Simon it smells like vomit..." She says biting her lip. "I-I just-" "S-Simon I...are you okay?" I nodded reassuringly. I didn't want her to think I was this overwhelmed by what happened. Downstairs you could hear the others laughing, doing something fun. "Y-You should go down with them." I dried off my hair, "I'll come with, let's go" I went to go by her, but she just stands in front of the door, finally opening it wide enough so I could look at her properly. She was still in the same clothes too, "S-Simon you s-saved my life...." She crosses her arms uncomfortable and stares hard at the floor, "W-Why...?" I felt my heart skip a beat, "You're asking me why...?" I said with my head down, but my eyes looking up. "Y-Yeah...he warned us at the beginning not to loosen your string, but you clearly held onto me...even though your rope could of snapped as well...and y-your wrist.." I could see guilt clearly crash over her, as she listed through the things, "Y-Y/N I wasn't just going to let you die!" "B-But you could of died!" She answers immediately back. My eyebrows scrunched as my thoughts traveled to yesterday...

I took a deep, steadying breath and used all my strength to pull her up, but there was a huge gust of wind, causing her hand to slip from my own, I tightened just in time, feeling the pain from my wrist overwhelming. I felt like I was going to throw up, "S-Simon!" She cried, " too..." I could see tears streaming down her face in fear. I couldn't hear the rest of what she said, her voice was being carried by the wind.

"W-Wait Y/N y-y-" Before I could say more, she cut me off, "T-Thank you Simon..." She closes my bathroom door behind her, leaving me stunned. Did she...mean to slip...? No of course not, that's insane. Taking one last look in the mirror, I walked out of the bathroom and headed downstairs.


I raced out of Simon's room, holding my arms sickly to my stomach, seeing him like that made me feel slightly queazy myself. After walking out of his room, I headed downstairs, seeing all the boys gathered around a laptop, "What's up?" I questioned, "Come see for yourself!" Says Ethan as he pulls me in. It was the clip of all of us in the air, the sunset behind us as we fell in slow motion, "I-It's incredible," I said softly. "Just look at the sunset!" It really was beautiful. "SIMON! GET DOWN HERE!" After a moment, Simon emerges from the stairs. His face was pale, and looking hard enough you could tell he just threw up, but he'd never tell them. He smiles, "What's up?" He huddles around the laptop, seeing the clip, "That's so awesome." He says smiling. Josh glances back at the two of us, then hits another video, this was the unedited version. We watched as it looked like it was going all well, then you could see my cord jerk till it snapped, making my stomach turn, why were they showing us this, you could see Simon ripping at his nob, rapidly turning it. Then he reached out for me, grabbed me, holding me there till he finally got me up. Everyone watched silently as I held onto Simon. You couldn't see our faces because of how dark it was. It was just our dark figures. You could see the others realize what was happening. Josh rewinds backwards, slowing down and focusing on my cord, "We talked to the company and there is an investigation going on..." His voice lingered on, I could tell there was more he had to say, "They are starting to believe that...maybe it wasn't an accident..." I felt my eyes widened, Josh quickly realizes and shakes his head, "It's just a theory! They just think someone might of tampered with it....but we don't know, so don't freak out. Okay?" He says with regret in his voice. I nodded, looking over at Simon, who's eyes were filled with fire, he reached over, turning off the laptop, "Come on boys, we have a Sidemen Sunday to start recording..." He says as he walks off to the backyard. The boys got up, running after him. Leaving me, Freya, Emily and Jesse. Jesse walks up to the three of us, wrapping us in a tight hug, "I should probably get going." She says sadly, "Thanks for coming Jesse! We'll send you the trailer as soon as it's finished!" She smiles, and after a minute, she heads out. I numbly head over to the couch, slumping into it. Freya and Emily took a look at each other, then sat on both sides of me, "How are you holding up...?" Freya questioned softly. I peered at her, "I-I'm doing perfectly fine!" Emily rolls her eyes, "We both know that's a lie..." Sighing I pulled my knees up to my chest, groaning as I put my head between them, "I've been better..." Freya wraps her arm around me, resting her hand on my shoulder, "Of course you've been better! I don't expect you to feel physically or mentally fine at all! The boys are such idiots, it's like something hits them hard for a day, and then the next it's like they've won a million bucks..." I felt myself chuckling, "I couldn't of described it better." Freya smiles, "After pretty much seven years, you get used to it..." She leans back, looking clearly uncomfortable. I glanced over at Emily, who was biting her lip. "What's wrong?" I questioned, she just shook her head quickly, "I-I don't know...I've just been thinking about how wrong that could of gone...I mean it could of happened to any of us...and then thinking about being in Simon's position..I don't know what I would of done. We all think that we would of loosened our rope, but how do you make a split second situation like that? Not even knowing if it'll work or not!" Freya widens her eyes, "You're right! There was no way I would of thought of that in time, let alone notice it! We were falling, how the hell did he even realize?" I shrugged, "I-I don't know..." Sighing I said, "I need to go record a video...I missed yesterdays video, I really don't want to miss another." I went to get up, but Emily stopped me, "You should really give yourself a break..." She says sadly. I shook my head, "T-There's no time." Freya jumps up, "Then let us help you! Lets all record one!" I smiled, "R-Really?" She nods, "Yes really! What are we recording?" I thought about it for a moment, "Maybe a challenge?" Emily eyes lit up, "Yes! Just...nothing disgusting..." I laughed in agreement, "How about the 7 second challenge?" They all nodded in agreement as we started setting it up.

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